F.sc part 2 English Essay "My Aim in Life"


"The ambition if reached or not makes great the life."         (Robert Browning)

Aristotle maintains that man is a goal seeking animal. His life becomes meaningful only when he struggles for his goals. Many people fail in life because they fail to organize their energies and focus on something. People, like nails lose their effectiveness when they lose direction and begin to bend.

"Not failure but low aim is a crime."

My philosophy of life is that we should set our goal and then we should try hard to achieve it. The progress and prosperity of a country is the result of the great endeavors of the dedicated men who have high ambitions in life.

There are as many ambitions as men. Some want to be doctors, others to be engineers. Some crave to be civil and military officers, others to be poets and novelists. My ambition in life is to have neither power nor wealth. I do not want to be a king but a kingmaker I believe only in the well-being of mankind, and that can only be achieved by education and re-education of my fellow countrymen.

"A teacher affects eternity."    (Henry A dams)

I want to be a teacher, no matter how strange it may sound to others. I want to be a teacher of English. Teaching is very different and important.It is of supreme importance to influence those who are going to grow up and matter to the world. There are many reasons for my choice.

"A teacher influences those who matter to the world."             (James Hilton)

Teaching has been the profession of prophets, priests saints and moralists. I have got a good temperament and taste for teaching.As a good mother rears good children, a teacher builds up a good nation. Allah sent our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) to this world as a teacher for the whole humanity. I think the best people are those who teach others. Engineers build grand buildings, roads and dams; doctors treat the patients; civil officers run the administration; military officers defend the country, but it is their teachers who make them so. A teacher is an engineer maker, a doctor maker, and an officer maker.

"Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds."                                                              (Socrates)

 Some people may ask why I want to be an English teacher. The answer is that English is the language that is spoken and understood by most of the people in the world and it is the Lingua Franca of the world. Books on modern science, philosophy, history, commerce and other subjects are mostly in English. So, if we want to produce good engineers, doctors,administrators and lawmakers, the study of English language is inevitable.To achieve my ambition, I work day and night. I devote all my time to study English language and literature. Whatever others may think of my aim, I am satisfied with it. In the final analysis, I must say that aims and ambitions are very important to determine a career or profession for us. 

"A future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.You only live once------but if you work it right once is enough"

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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