2 nd year Chemistry CHAPTER 10 MCQs ALKYL HALIDES



1. Electrophile amongst the following is:

 (a) NH3 (b) H2O (c) BF3 (d) Cl2

2. SN2 mechanism involves:

 (a) 1st order kinetics (b) 2nd order kinetics (c) 3rd order kinetics (d) Zero order kinetics 

3. Alkyl magnesium halide (Grignard's reagent) when hydrolyzed yields:

 (a) Alkane 

(b) Alkene

 (c) Alkyne 

(d) Alkyl halide

 4. Tertiary alcohols are obtained by treating Grignard's reagent with:

 (a) Aldehyde (b) Ketone (c) Water (d) Amine 

5. Alkyl Halides are: 

(a) Monohaloalkanes (b) Dihaloalkanes

 (c) Polyhaloalkanes (d) All 

6. Which substance is used to convert Grignard's reagent to alkane: 

(a) H2O

 (b) NH3 

(c) Ethyl alcohol

 (d) All of these

 7. For the reaction C2H5OH+ HX —> C2H5-X + H2O the order of reactivity of HX is: 

(a) HBr > HI > HCI (b) HI > HCI > HBr

 (c) HCI > HBr > HI (d) HI > HBr > HCI 

8. Carbanions are: 

(a) Electrophiles (b) Nucleophiles

 (c) Group of atoms (d) Free radical 

9. Secondary alkyl halides follow

 (a) First order kinetics

 (b) Second order kinetics

 (c) Both a and b

 (d) none of these 

10. (CH3)3CBr preferably undergoes:

 (a) SN2 reactions (b) SNi reactions

 (c) both a and b (d) none of these

 11. Ethyl chloride reacts with alcoholic KOH to give: 

(a) C2H4 (b) C2HSOH

 (c) C2H6 (d) None of these 

12. When an alcohol reacts with SOCl2 an alkyl halide is formed what are two other products: 

(a) SO2 and HCI (b) SO2 and H2O

 (c) HCI and H2O (d) H25 and HCI 

13. Which of the following is not a nulceophile: 

(a) OH- (b) NH3 (c) C2HSO- (d) Br+ 

14. Which of the following reactions is not shown by an alkyl halide: 

(a) SNi (b) SN2 (c) Addition (d) Elimination 

15. In primary alkyl halides, the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to:

 (a) One Carbon atoms (b) Two Carbon atoms (c) Three Carbon atoms (d) Four Carbon atoms 

16. Reaction of following with Grignard's reagent can give primary alcohol: 

(a) Epoxide (b) Peroxide

 (c) Super oxide (d) Hydrogen 

17. Snl reactions are easily given by: 
(a) Primary alkyl halide
(b) Secondary alkyl halide
(c) Secondary alcohols 
(d) Tertiary alkyl halides

18. Thionyl chloride reacts with alcohol to form:
(a) Mustard gas (b) Alkyl halide 
(c) Aldehyde (d) Alcohol

19. Which of the following is a Sodium Lead alloy:
(a) Nan (b) Nasz (c) Na3Pb (d) Na4Pb

20. Secondary alcohol is formed when Grignard’s reagent reacts with:
(a) Propanone (b) Methanal
(c) Ethanal (d) Ethanoic acid

21. When Grignard reagent reacts with Epoxide, it forms:
(a) 1- Alkanal (b) 1- Alkanol 
(c) Carboxylic acid (d) None

22. Which of the following reagent cannot be used for preparing alkyl chloride from alcohol:
(a) HC|+ anhydrous ZnCIz (b) NaCI 
(c) PCI5 (d) SOC|2

23. Carbon atom holding halogen in Alkyl halide is:
(a) sp2- hybridized (b) sp3-hybridized
(c) sp-hybridized (d) sp3d- hybridized

24. Which of the following does not give Iodoform test:
(a) Ethanol (b) Ethanal
(c) Acetophenone (d) Benzophenone

25. C-X bond is strongest in:
(a) CH3CI (b) CHsBr (c) CH3F (d) CH31

26. The alkyl halide is converted into an alcohol directly by: .3
(a) Addition (b) Substitution
(c) Dehydrohalogenation (d) Elimination g

27. Iodoethane reacts with sodium in ether, the product formed is: g
(a) Ethane (b) Ethene (c) Butene (d) Butane 

28. 1, 3 — Dibromopropane reacts with metallic zinc to form: '5
(a) Propene (b) Propane 
(c) Cyclopropane (d) Hexane E

29. Ethyl alcohol gives Ethyl chloride with the help of: 
(a) SOCIz (b) NaCI (c) Clz (d) KCI E

30. Butane nitrile is formed by reaction of KCN with: 
(a) Propyl alcohol (b) Butyl chloride
 (c) Butyl alcohol (d) Propyl Chloride 3

31. Tetrabomoethane on treatment with alcoholic zinc gives: 3
(a) Ethyl bromide (b) Ethane 
(c) Ethane (d) Ethyne

32. Snl reaction of Alkyl halides leads to: 
(a) Retention of configuration 
(b) Inversion of configuration 
(c) Both a and b 
(d) None of these 

33. Which one of the following will have the maximum dipole moment:
(a) CH3F (b) CH3C| (c) CHsBr (d) CH3I

34. The reaction of an Alkyl halide with RCOOAg produces:
(a) Ester (b) Ether
(c) Aldehyde (d) Carboxylic acid

35. The order of a typical Sn2 reaction is: 
(a) Primary alkyl halide (b) Secondary alkyl halide
(c) Secondary alcohols (d) Tertiary alkyl halides

36. Most reactive Alkyl halide towards Sul reaction is:
(a) n-Butyl chloride (b) Sec-Butyl chloride
(c) ter-Butyl chloride (d) A||y| chloride

37. Which responds +vely towards Iodoform test:
(a) 1-Butene (b) Butanal
(c) Acetic acid (d) 2-Pentanone
38. Electrophile among the following is:
(a) NH3 (b) H20 (c) BF3 (d) C|2

39. The order of a typical SN2 reaction is:

(a) Zero (b) First (c) Second (cl) Third

40. Which of the following is not a Nulceophile?
(a) H20 (b) H28 (c) BF3 (d) NH3

41. In which two mechanisms, the first step involved is same:
(a) El and E2 (b) E2 and SN2
(c) E1 and SNl (cl) SNl and SN2

42. SN2 reactions are:
(a) Unimolecular (b) Bimolecular
(c) Trimolecular (cl) Tetramolecular

43. Elimination bimolecular reaction involves kinetics: 
(a) 1St order (b) 2nd order
(c) 3rd order (cl) Zero order

44. In primary alkyl halides, the halogen atom attached to a carbon atom is further
attached to how many carbon atoms:
(a) Two (b) Three
(c) One (cl) Four

45. Elimination bimolecular reaction involves:
(a) First order kinetics (b) Second order kinetics ‘3
(c) Third order kinetics (d) Zero order kinetics E

46. Ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with water to form: 8
(a) Ethane (b) Methane >',
(c) Propane (d) n-butane .

47. Primary alcohol is obtained by treating Grignard’s Regent with: E
(a) HCHO (b) CH3CH0 (c) CH3C0CH3 (d) CO2 g

48. In SN2 mechanism, the hybridization of carbon atom changes from: 
(a) Sp (b) Sp2 3
(c) dsp2 (cl) none of these :

49. Tertiary alcohol is obtained by treating Grignard reagent with: 
(a) HCHO (b) CH3CH0 (c) CH3C0CH3 (D) C02 2

50. Order and molecularity of SN2 reaction of alkyl halide is:
(a) 1,2 (b) 2,1 (c) 2,2 (d) 0,1 

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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