1. The total coal resources of Pakistan estimated by geological survey are:
(a) 184 billion tonnes (b) 184 million tonnes
(c) 841 billion tonnes (d) 184 tonnes
2. How many isomers are possible for CsH14:
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7
3. Which one of the following is an isomer of Dimetly ether:
(a) (CH3)2 CHOH (b) CH3CH20H (c) CHO-CHO (d) None
4. The hardest form of coal is:
(a) Bituminous (b) Sub-bituminous coal (c) Anthracite (d) Lignite
5. Which one of the following compounds is heterocyclic?
(a) Anthracene (b) Phenol (c) Pyridine (d) Aniline
6. Which molecule has a tetrahedral shape?
(a) CH3-CH3 (b) CH2=CH2 (c) CHECH (d) None
7. The formula of aniline is:
(a) C6H5 (b) C6H5'NH'C6H5
(C) C6H5-NH2 (CI) C6H5'NOZ “
8. The formula of cyclopropane is: E
(a) C3Hs (b) C3H4 (c) C3H5 (d) C3H6 O
9. The Octane number is 100 for: ;
(a) n-Octane (b) n-Heptane :-
(c) Iso-Octane (d) n-Hexane U
10. Homologues of alkanes differ from each other by: g
(a) CH2 group (b) CH3 group a
(c) CH4 group (d) CH group E
11. The major components of coal gas are: E
(a) H2 and CH4 (b) Ethane and CO 9
(c) H2 and CO (d) H2, CH4 and CO 0
12. The compound in which two alkyl groups are attached to carbonyl group is called: 3
(a) Ether (b) Alcohol 3.:
(c) Ketone (d) Aldehyde I!
13. Carbonyl group is present in: E
(a) Aldehyde (b) Ketone
(c) Alcohols (d) both a and b
14. The Chemical formula of urea is:
(a) (NH4)2CO (b) (NH2)4C
(c) (NH2)2CO (d) (NH4)2C03
15. The fractional distillation of petroleum yields only:
(a) 20% Gasoline (b) 30% Gasoline
(c) 15% Gasoline (d) 10% Gasoline
16. Antiknocking agent is:
(a) (C2H5)2Pb (b) (C2H5)4Pb
(c) (C2H5)3Pb (d) (C2H5)4Pd
17. Father of Organic Chemistry is:
(a) Faraday (b) Hoffman
(c) F. Wohler (d) Democritus
18. The example of sp hybridization is:
(a) Methane (b) Benzene (c) Ethene (cl) Ethyne
19. The number of chain isomers of Pentane are:
(a) Three (b) Two (c) One (cl) Zero
20. Metamerism is only shown by:
(a) Ethers (b) Ketones
(c) Both a and b (cl) every organic family
21. Octane number 100 is given to:
(a) n — octane (b) n — Heptane
(c) 2,2,4 — Trimethylpentane (Iso-octane) (cl) 2,2,4 — Trimethyl octane
22. The type of hybridization of carbon atom in methane is:
(a) Sp (b) Sb2
(c) sp3 (cl) None of these
23. The boiling point range of petroleum ether is: (GRW 2007)
(a) 5 — 20°C (b) 10 — 30°C
(c) 20 — 60°C (cl) 30 — 90°C
24. Which one of the following is not a heterocyclic compound?
(a) Thiophene (b) Anthracene (c) Furan (cl) Pyrrol
25. The state of hybridization of carbon atom in ethane is: 
(a) Sp3 (b) Sb2 (C) SP (d) dSb2
26. Geometric isomerism is present in: 
(a) Methane (b) Ethane
(c) Propane (cl) 2-Butene 03
27. Double bond consists of:
(a) Two sigma bonds (b) One sigma one pi bond g
(c) One sigma and two pi bonds (cl) Two pi bonds Le
28. Which set of hybrid orbitals has planar triangular shape? 3:
(a) Sp3 (b) SP (C) Sb2 (d) dSb2 '5
29. The type of hybridization of carbon atom in methane is: 
(a) Sp3 (b) SP (C) Sb2 (d) dSb2 ‘9
30. The chemist who synthesized urea from ammonium cyanate was: 
(a) G.N. Lewis (b) Fredrick Wohler u
(c) Kolbe (cl) Berzelius C
31. The process used to improve the quality of gasoline is called:
(a) Thermal cracking (b) Reforming 3
(c) Steam cracking (cl) Combustion :5
32. An isomer of CszOH is: 
(a) CH30H (b) (C2H5)2O >
(c) CH30CH3 (d) CH3COCH3 <
33. Linear shape is associated with which set of hybrid orbitals 
(a) Sp3 (b) SP (C) Sb2 (d) dSb2
34. Ethers show the phenomena of: 
(a) Metamerism (b) Functional group isomerism
(c) Position isomerism (cl) cis-trans isomerism
35. Carbon atom in following is sp2 hybridized 
(a) CH3CN (b) CHECH (c) HCOOH (cl) CH2CI2
36. The isomerism shown by alkanes is: 
(a) Skeletal (b) Position
(c) Geometric (cl) Metamerism
37. Hybridization of carbon in carbonyl group is: 
(a) Sp3 (b) SP (C) Sb2 (d) dSb2
38. How many isomers are there in pentane? 
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 3 (cl) 2
39. Vital force theory was rejected by 
(a) G.N. Lewis (b) F.Wholer
(c) Greek Philosophers (cl) Scientists of 20th century
40. Select one which shows cis-trans isomerism.

(a) CI2C=CC|2 (b) CH2=CH2
(c) CICH=CHCI (cl) Br2C=CBr2
41. Which of the following compound may exist as cis-trans isomer?
(a) 1-butene (b) 2-butene (c) Cyclopropane (cl) Acetone
42. Urea belongs to which class of compound 
(a) Imides (b) Amines
(c) Amides (cl) carboxylic acid
43. In ethane, each carbon atom is 
(a) sp3 hybridized (b) sp2 hybridized
(c) sp hybridized (cl) unhybridized
44. The hybridization of carbon atom in HCHO is: 
(a) Sp (b) $2 (C) SP3 (d) dSp
45. Geometric isomerism in alkenes is due to: 
(a) Oscillation of H atoms between two polyvalent carbon atoms
(b) Optical rotation due to multiple bonds
(c) Free rotation about C=C bond
(d) Restricted rotation about C=C bond 03
46. Metamerism is shown by: E
(a) Amines (b) Ethers 8
(c) neither a nor b (cl) Both a and b >"
47. Dimethyl ether and Ethyl alcohol are called 
(a) Metamers (b) Functional group isomers U
(c) Position isomers (cl) cis-trans isomers S
48. The self-linking property of elements is: 
(a) Aromatization (b) Polymerization (c) Association E
(d) Catenation "’
49. The carbon atoms in propene are: 
(a) Sp (b) Sp2 a,
(c) sp3 and sp2 (cl) sp2 and sp 3
50. Peat before conversion into coal is converted into: 
(a) Anthracite (b) Asphalt =
(c) Lignite (cl) all of these g
51. Tetra methyl lead is added to petrol to: 
(a) Prevent its freezing point (b) Increase its boiling point
(c) Prevent knocking (cl) Increase its viscosity
52. The crude petroleum is separated in fractions by: 
(a) Filtration (b) Fractional distillation
(c) Steam distillation (cl) Fractions sublimation
53. Carbon atom in Dimethyl ether is:
(a) sp3 hybridized (b) sp2 hybridized
(c) sp hybridized (cl) unhybridized
54. Number of isomers of C4H1o is: 
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (cl) 4
55. In t-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded to: 
(a) Three hydrogen atoms (b) Two hydrogen atoms
(c) One hydrogen atom (cl) No hydrogen atom

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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