2nd year Chemistry Chapter 8 MCQS (ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS )

Chapter 8


1.An Aldehyde is reduced to Alkane with: (a) KOH+N2H4 (b) CaO and NaOH (c) NaOH (d) Ca(OH)2 2.Which of the following compound will not form Metal alkynide: (a) Ethyne (b) 1- Butyne (c) Propyne (d) 2-Butyne 3.When a mixture of Ethene and air is passed over heated silver under pressure we get: (a) Superoxide (b) Ozonide (c) Epoxide (d) Benzene 4.Ethyl chloride when boiled with alcoholic KOH gives: (a) Acetylene (b) Ether (c) Ethylene (d) Ethyl alcohol 5.What type of reaction occurs between Ethene and hydrogen: (a) Addition (b) Oxidation
(c) Substitution
(d) Dehydration
6.Which ion is most stable:
(a) CH3*

(b) (CH3)2CH*
(c) CH3-CH2*
(d) (CH3)3C*
7.Mustard gas is: (a) Highly viscous liquid (b) High boiling liquid (c) Low boiling liquid (d) Colourless gas 8.Select the compound which has acidic hydrogen: (a) Methane (b) Butadiene
(c) Ethene
(d) Acetylene
9.The characteristic reactions of alkanes are:

(a) Polymerization
(b) Elimination
(c) Addition
(d) Substitution

10.Polymerization of three molecules of acetylene while passing through Cu tube at 300°C gives:
(a) Benzene
(b) Naphthalene
(c) n-Hexane
(d) Cyclohexane
11.The characteristic reactions of alkenes are:

(a) Polymerization
(b) Elimination
(c) Addition
(d) Substitution

12.The presence of pi bond in a molecule is the sign of :

(a) Unsaturation
(b) Stabilty(
c) Inertness
(d) Saturation
13.Vinyl acetylene combines with HCI to yield:

(a) Neoprene rubber
(b) Poly vinyl acetylene
(c) Chloroprene
(d) White ppt.
14.CHs is an example of:
(a) Alkenyl group
(b) Alkyl group
(c) Alkane series
(d) None of these

15.When Sodium Salts of fatty acid are heated with Sodalime, we get alkane along with:
(a) Nasc
(b) CO2+ No
(c) H20
(d) Na2COs

16.For each double bond, the heat of hydrogenation of Alkene is:

(a) 110 K.J molt (b) 130 K.J mol
(b) 115 K.J mol (d) 120 K.J molt

17.The alkenes react with aqueous solution of halogen acid to form:
(a) Alcohols (b) Aldehyde

(c) Alkanes (d) Alky halides
18.Which of following is used as a general anesthetic:

(a) Ethane (b) Propane

(c) Ethenol (d) Ethene

19.Alkyl halides on treatment with active metals like Zn yield:

(a) Alkene (b) Alkyne

(c) Alkane (d) Alcohol

20.Which of following is prepared by oxidation of Ethane:

(a) Acetone (b) Ethyl alcohol

(c) Formic acid (d) None

21.Acetylene gives:

(a) White ppt. with ammonical AgNOs and red ppt. with ammonical Cu(NOs)2
(b) With ppt. with ammonical AgNO3 and red ppt. with ammonical Cu2Cl2

(c) White. ppt. with both

(d) Red ppt. with both

22.The order of reactivity of halogens in aliphatic substitution reactions:

(a) Br2 > Clo>F2 (b) Cl > Br2 >F2

(c) Fo > Clo>Br2 (d) F2 > Bro >Cl2

23.The IUPAC name of the compound having the formula (CH3)s C — CH = CH2 is:
(a) 1, 1 — Dimethyl-3-butene 
(b) 1, 1, 1-Trimethyl-3 propene

(c) 3, 3 — Dimethyl-1-butene
(d) 3, 3,3 — Trimethyl-1i-propene

24.For preparing a symmetrical alkane, a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium or
potassium salt of saturated carboxylic acid is subjected to:

(a) Hydrolysis (b) Oxidation

(c) Hydrogenation (d) Electrolysis

25.The reaction/ method that does not give an alkane is

(a) Catalytic hydrogenation of Alkene 
(b) Wurtz reaction

(c) Hydrolysis of alkyl magnesium bromide (d) Dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide

26.A fuel has the same knocking property as a mixture of 70% Iso-octane (2, 2, 4-
Trimethylpentane) and 30% n-Heptane by volume, the octane number of that fuel is:

(a) 100 (b) 70

(c) 50 (d) 40

27.Hydrocarbon which is liquid at room temperature is:
(a) Hexane (b) Butane
(c) Ethane (d) Propane

28.Marsh gas was the name given to:

(a) Methane (b) Ethane
(c) Propane (d) Butane

29.Each different compound should have a different name” was published by IUPAC
system of nomenclature in:

(a) 1892 (b) 1830

(c) 1947 (d) 1979

30.Write the name of following Alkene CH2 = CH- CH = CH2

(a) 1, 3-Butadiene (b) Buta -1, 3 diene
(c) Botha &b (d) None

31.CnHan is the general formula of:

(a) Alkanes (b) Alkenes

(c) Alkynes (d) None of above


32.An Alkane is produced when an Alkyl halide reacts with Zinc in the presence of a
catalyst; the reaction is called:

(a) Sabatier-Sendern’s reaction
(b) Wurtz Synthesis

(c) Frankland’s Reaction 
(d) Clemmenson’s reduction

33.The method in which alkane is prepared by Alkyl halide in the presence of Palladium
charcoal, is:

(a) Hydrolysis (b) Electrolysis

(c) Hydrogenation (d) Hydrogenolysis

34.Kolbe’s method is not useful for the production of:

(a) Methane (b) Ethane

(c) Butane (d) Hexane

35.Kolbe’s method has limited synthetic applications due to:

(a) Use of electrical energy 
(b) Slow reaction

(c) Number of side products 
(d) Salts used are very expensive

36.The reaction in which a Ketone is reduced to the alkane is called:

(a) Kolbe’s electrolysis 
(b) Clemmensen’s reduction
(c) Cannizzaro 
(d) None

37.Alkanes containing carbons C-18 onwards are:

(a) Gases (b) Liquids

(c) Waxy solids (d) Solids

38.Alkanes are soluble in all except:

(a) Benzene (b) Ether

(c) Water (d) Carbon tetra chloride

39.The property of an alkane which does not increase with increase in molar mass:
(a) Boiling point (b) Melting point

(c) Density (d) Solubility

40.The low reactivity of alkanes is based upon:

(a) Inertness of sigma-bond 
(b) Non-polarity of the bonds
(c) Both a and b 
(d) None of above
41.Complete combustion of alkane yields:

(a) CO2 +H20 (b) CO2 + Heat

(c) COz +H20 + CO (d) CO2 +H20 + Heat

42.The major reaction occurring in the engines of automobiles is:

(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction

(c) Combustion (d) Decomposition

43.Incomplete oxidation of alkanes yields:

(a) CO2 & carbon black (b) CO2 +CO

(c) CO+H20+carbon black (d) COz2 +heat

44.The order of reactivity of halogen acids towards alkenes:

(a) HCl > HBr >HI (b) HBr >HCI>HI

(c) HCl > HBr>HF (d) HI > HBr >HCl

45.Raney — Nickel is the alloy of Ni with:

(a) Pt (b) Al

(c) Cu (d) Pd

46.Polymerization of Ethene to Polyethylene take place at pressure of 100 atm and a
temperature of:

(a) 200°C (b) 400°C

(c) 600°C (d) 800°C

47.During the preparation of alkynes the active metals that reacts with Tetrahalo-alkane

(a) Zn (b) Mg

(c) Both a and b (d) None

48.Alkynes are colorless & odorless except:

(a) Acetylene (b) Propyne

(c) Butyne (d) Pentyne

49.An Alkyne having Carbon atoms =15 is most probably a:

(a) Gas (b) Liquid

(c) Solid (d) Waxy solid

50.The reaction of Acetylene with water in H2SO4 and HgSOs. yields:

(a) Vinyl alcohol (b) Acetaldehyde

(c) Mixture of both a and b (d) None

51.The gas used for illumination:

(a) Methane (b) Ethene

(c) Ethyne (d) None

52.The Alkynides are used for the ---------- of alkynes

(a) Preparation (b) Purification

(c) Separation (d) All of above

53.Formula of chloroform is:

(a) CHsCl (b) CH2Cle

(c) CHCls (d) CCl4

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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