Racism and discrimination in society | Essay on Racism and discrimination in society | English Essays| Global Learning |

  Hello Friends, welcome to my blog Global Learning . Today our topic is Racism and discrimination in society. We will discuss it in various aspects like  Systemic Racism etc . So let's start today's topic: Racism and discrimination in society. 

Definition of Racism and discrimination

Prejudice and unfair treatment based on a person's race or characteristics are encapsulated in the terms racism and discrimination. Racism involves holding the belief that one's race is superior to others, which can result in various forms of discrimination such as hate speech, stereotypes, and unequal treatment. Discrimination, on the other hand, is the act of treating someone unjustly based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, and can lead to exclusion, harassment, or denial of opportunities. These issues have deep roots in society and can have a profound impact on individuals and communities. To address them, it is essential to recognize and tackle these problems through social movements and ongoing efforts to promote equality and justice. A fair and inclusive society can only be achieved by confronting and eliminating racism and discrimination.

Historical Context:

The origins of racism and discrimination can be traced back to the historical legacy of colonialism, slavery, and segregation. During colonialism, European powers considered the people of colonized lands inferior and exploited them for their resources and labor. The slave trade further entrenched these prejudiced beliefs, and millions of Africans were brought to the Americas as slaves to work under inhumane conditions.

The aftermath of slavery saw the creation of discriminatory practices and segregation laws that enforced racial hierarchies in society. For example, in the US, the Jim Crow and redlining laws denied African Americans access to education, housing, and other opportunities.

These discriminatory practices have had far-reaching consequences, leading to poverty, inequality, and systemic racism that persist to this day. Despite significant strides made during the Civil Rights era, discrimination still exists in many forms, such as police brutality, wage disparities, and unequal access to healthcare.

To create a fair and equitable society, we must acknowledge and confront the historical roots of racism and discrimination. This requires addressing past wrongs, such as reparations for slavery and addressing the ongoing impact of colonialism. It also involves dismantling current systems and practices that perpetuate inequality and promoting a more inclusive and anti-racist society.

Systemic Racism:

Systemic racism is a form of racism that is deeply ingrained in social, political, and economic institutions, resulting in unequal treatment and outcomes for individuals based on their race. Unlike individual actions, it is perpetuated by institutionalized systems that can disadvantage people of color.

For instance, the criminal justice system often discriminates against people of color who are more likely to be targeted, arrested, and imprisoned than white people. Additionally, people of color often attend underfunded schools with less experienced teachers and fewer resources. This unequal access to quality education can perpetuate cycles of poverty and inequality that disproportionately affect people of color.

Furthermore, people of color are also subject to systemic racism in healthcare, as they face disparities in access to care, quality of care, and health outcomes. This often leads to a higher incidence of chronic illnesses and a lower life expectancy among people of color.

To address systemic racism, it is crucial to acknowledge and address its existence in institutionalized systems. This can be achieved through the implementation of policies that promote equitable access to resources, the diversification of leadership roles and decision-making positions, and the increase of representation of marginalized communities in various sectors of society. By working to dismantle systemic racism, society can strive towards creating a more just and equitable world for everyone.

Social Impacts: 

Racism and discrimination have profound social consequences that harm individuals and communities in many ways. These include unequal access to resources and opportunities, lower life expectancy, and higher rates of poverty.

One significant social impact of racism and discrimination is the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities. People of color often experience systemic discrimination, which hinders their access to education, housing, and job opportunities. As a result, they face significant economic challenges and difficulty fulfilling their basic needs.

Another adverse consequence of racism and discrimination is the lower life expectancy for people of color. Due to disparities in healthcare and barriers to accessing quality medical care, people of color often suffer from a higher incidence of chronic illnesses, which reduces their life expectancy.

In addition, racism and discrimination perpetuate higher rates of poverty among people of color. These individuals often reside in communities with inadequate resources, such as healthcare facilities and educational institutions, which reinforces cycles of poverty that can last for generations.

Furthermore, racism and discrimination can cause significant psychological and emotional damage to individuals and communities. People of color frequently experience stress and trauma due to discrimination and racism, which can lead to a range of mental health issues.

To mitigate these negative social impacts, society must confront systemic racism, increase access to resources and opportunities, and promote diversity and inclusivity. Through these actions, we can build a more just and equitable world that enables everyone, regardless of their race, to have equal access to resources and opportunities.


For instance, women of color face not only racism but also sexism, which creates additional barriers to achieving equality and social mobility. Similarly, LGBTQ+ people of color may encounter both racism and homophobia, leading to greater marginalization and discrimination.

Individuals with disabilities who are also people of color may face challenges resulting from both racism and ableism. They may encounter limited access to resources and opportunities and face difficulty in participating fully in society.

The intersectional approach recognizes the complexity of individuals' experiences and acknowledges the compounded effects of multiple forms of oppression. By understanding and addressing these complex intersections, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society that values and respects individuals' diverse identities and experiences.


Education can be a potent tool in fighting racism by raising awareness, understanding, and empathy. Schools, colleges, and universities can integrate anti-racism education into their curriculums to deepen students' understanding of the historical and social context of racism. Community organizations can also organize workshops and training sessions to help people recognize and address their unconscious biases.

Awareness-raising is another crucial strategy to combat racism. It involves highlighting and exposing the negative effects of racism on individuals and communities. Social media campaigns, public demonstrations, and media coverage can bring attention to the experiences of marginalized groups and raise awareness of the harmful impacts of racism.

Policy changes are another essential tool for combating racism. Governments and organizations can introduce policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. This can include affirmative action programs, anti-discrimination laws, and diversity and inclusion training for employees.

In conclusion, anti-racism efforts require a multi-faceted approach that includes education, awareness-raising, and policy changes. By addressing the root causes of racism and promoting diversity and inclusion, we can create a more equitable and just society that respects the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their race or ethnicity.


To summarize, it is critical that we address the issue of racism and discrimination in our society. Racism is not simply a problem of individuals, but a systemic issue that impacts every aspect of our lives. By understanding the historical context of racism, examining its institutionalization in society, and acknowledging its intersectionality with other forms of oppression, we can develop effective strategies to combat it.

The negative social impacts of racism, such as unequal access to resources and opportunities, shorter life expectancy, and higher rates of poverty, can have significant consequences for society. Therefore, it is essential to implement policies and practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion to create a more just and equitable society for everyone.

By utilizing strategies such as education, awareness-raising, and policy changes, we can take meaningful action to combat racism and discrimination. These strategies can help us build a society that values and respects the dignity of all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It is crucial that we acknowledge the harm caused by racism and take action to address it so that everyone can experience equal rights and opportunities.

That's all from today's topic  Racism and discrimination in society. If you have any question or any query you can easily ask  in the comment section and if you have any  suggestion related to the topic you can share it to me in the comment box . Please don't forget to share it with your friends. Thank you!

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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