Women's Role in Society / Essay on role of women in society.

 Women have come a long way from being merely decorative objects and confined to the domestic sphere to being a dominant force in all aspects of society. Today, women are smashing barriers and making progress in every field, proving their capability and independence.

In the past, women were kept in their place and put on the back burner, with limited access to education and employment opportunities. They were only responsible for household chores and raising children. In many cultures, women were not allowed to make decisions or voice their opinions, which stifled their potential and held them back.

However, in recent times, women have made great strides in breaking down gender barriers and asserting their rights. Women are taking the lead in various fields, including politics, business, and the arts. In many countries, women are now in charge and running the show, which was previously unheard of.

Women have also become an essential part of the workforce, contributing to the economy and driving growth. Many women are breaking the glass ceiling and entering fields that were traditionally male-dominated, such as engineering, science, and technology. Women are also starting their own businesses, creating jobs, and being entrepreneurial.

Aside from their contributions to the economy and workforce, women have played a significant role in bringing about social change. Women have been at the forefront of many social movements, advocating for issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and racial justice. Women have also raised awareness of important issues such as sexual harassment and domestic violence.

The role of women in society has expanded to include their participation in decision-making processes. Women are now leading policymakers, governance, and diplomacy. They have successfully challenged traditional gender roles and broken down stereotypes, and are free to be themselves and follow their dreams without fear of discrimination or bias.

Despite the progress that has been made, there is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality. Women still face discrimination and bias, both in the workplace and in their personal lives. The gender pay gap remains a significant hurdle, with women being paid less than men for the same work. Women also struggle to access education and healthcare in developing countries.

To achieve true gender equality, it is essential to confront and address these issues, creating a society that values and respects women. This can be done by promoting policies that support women's rights, such as equal pay and access to education and healthcare. We must also create a culture that celebrates diversity and inclusivity and challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

In conclusion, women have come a long way, breaking down barriers and making progress in every field. They are now playing an essential role in the workforce, politics, and social life. However, achieving true gender equality requires continued effort to overcome the challenges that still exist

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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