Interesting Information

 Q. Difference between Electrophile and Nucleophile? 



•Electrophiles are electron deficient species.

•They are electron loving.

•They belong to lewis acid .

•They may be neutral species or are positively charged ions.

•They accept electrons.

•They are represented by E+.

•Examples: H+ ion , H3O+ ion, BF3 molecule ,ALCL3 molecule, CL- ion , F- ion ....etc.


•Nucleophiles are electron rich species.

•They are nucleus loving.

•They belong to lewis base .

•They may be neutral species (with lone pairs) or are negatively charged ions.

•They donate electrons.

•They are represented by NU-.

•Examples:CL- ion, F-ion, OH- ion, CN- ion ,NH3 molecule, H2O molecule.....etc.

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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