Interesting Information

 It is interesting to know that,Two opposite charges attract each other ,and two opposite wires repel each other and vice versa .

•Two charges:

As we know that two charges of same charge repel and two opposite charges attract.
        Suppose when a negative charge is placed in the front of positive charge ,charges attract each other.
         Suppose if we take two same charges i.e.positive charges.Then both charges repel each other.

•Two wires:

       The phenomenon of attraction and repulsion is reversed in the case of wires as compared to charges.
       Two same wires (i.e.direction of current same) attract while two opposite wires(i.e.direction of current is not same) repel each other.
If two same (parallel) wires are placed they attract and if two different (antiparallel) wires are placed they repel.
Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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