1. Which compound will have maximum repulsion with H20?
(a) C6H6 (b) C2H50H 
(c)CH3CH2CH20H (d) C6HSOH
2. When Ether is protonated, the conjugate acid formed is called:
(a) A Carbonion (b) Oxide ion
(c) An Oxonium ion (cl) A Hydronium ion

3. When ethyl bromide is heated with A920 the product formed is:
(a) Ethanol (b) Ethene
(c) Ethanal (cl) Diethyl ether

4. When diethyl ether is treated with PCls the product is:
(a) Ethanol (b) Triethyl phosphine
(c) Ethyl chloride (cl) Oxonium ion

5. 2-Alkanol on oxidation forms:
(a) Ether (b) Aldehyde
(c) Ketone (cl) Carboxylic acid

6. Which substance is used as an Antifreeze:
(a) Methanol (b) Ethanol
(c) Acetone (cl) Acetic acid

7. Which of the following would you expect to give a yellow precipitate of CH|3 when Oi
heated with I2 in alkaline solution: E
(a) CH3OH (b) C3H7OH C

8. Alcohols on heating with ------give alkenes at high temperature: ;
(a) Oxygen (b) Conc. H2804 ':
(c) PCI3 (d) Conc. HNOs E

9. Carbolic acid is the other name of: g
(a) Phenol (b) Biphenyl 7‘
(c) Picric acid (cl) H2C03 «-

10. Alcohols and ------react to produce esters: I
(a) Water (b) Ethers ‘
(c) Carboxylic acid (cl) Ketones _q

11. Oxidation of ------alcohol gives aldehyde: '5!
(a) Primary (b) Secondary .1
(c) Tertiary (cl) Quaternary E

12. Which compound is more soluble in water? E
(a) CszOH (b) CH3COCH3
(C) CH30H (Cl) C6HSOH

13. Which compound shows maximum hydrogen bonding with water?
(a) CH3-O-CH3 (b) CHs-OH
(C) Csz-OH (Cl) C6H5'OH

14. Which enzyme is not involved in fermentation of starch
(a) Diastase (b) Maltase
(c) Zymase (cl) Urease

15. Methyl alcohol is used as:
(a) a drink (b) an anti freezing agent
(c) a preservative for biological specimen (cl) a substitute for petrol

16. Only maximum------% alcohol is obtained by fermentation of molasses:
(a) 14 (b) 24
(c) 95 (cl) 100
17. Ethene is formed when Ethyl alcohols reacts with conc. H2504 at
(a) 180°C (b) 150°C
(c) 120°C (d) 110°C

18. Dow's method helps in preparation of:
(a) Biphenyl (b) Benzene
(c) Phenol (d) Ester

19. When phenol react with alkali it forms:
(a) Acid (b) Salt
(c) Base (d) None of these

20. Phenol reacts with zinc dust and forms:
(a) Benzene (b) Acetylene
(c) Molozonide (d) Ozonide

21. Bakelite is formed when phenol reacts with:
(a) Acetaldehyde (b) Farmaldehyde
(c) Propanoic acid (d) Butanoic acid

22. Ethers reacts with hydrogen iodide to give:
(a) Alcohol (b) Phenol
(c) Alcoho|+ Alkyl halide (d) Aldehyde

23. Which one is primary alcohol:
(a) Buten-2-ol (b) Propan-2-ol
(c) Butan-l-ol (d) 2, 3- Dimethylhexane-4-ol

24. Ethyl alcohol is industrially prepared from ethylene by:
(a) Permanganate oxidation (b) Catalytic reduction
(c) Absorbing in H2804 followed by hydrolysis (d) Fermentation

25. Ethanol containing some quantity of methanol is called: .1
(a) Absolute spirit (b) Rectified spirit E
(c) Wood spirit (d) Methylated spirit <

26. Hydrolytic conversion of Sucrose into glucose and fructose in known as: t
(a) Induction (b) Inversion E
(c) Insertion (d) Inhibition -:

27. Alcohols of low molecular weight are: E
(a) Soluble in water (b) Soluble in water on heating q
(c) Insoluble in water (Cl) Insoluble in all solvents j

28. Fermentation is a: 2
(a) Chemical process (b) Biochemical process ‘
(c) Engineering process (d) Physical Process C

29. Ethyl alcohol on oxidation with acidified K2Cr207 gives: _u
(a) Acetic Acid (b) Acetaldehyde .l
(c) Formaldehyde (d) Formic acid _“

30. CszOH can be differentiated from CH30H by: 'i
(a) Lucas Test (b) Baeyer’s Test :
(c) Iodoform test (d) None

31. Ethyl alcohol on treating with Conc. H2504 at 140°C yields:
(a) Ethene (b) Diethyl Ether
(c) Ethyl acetate (d) Ethanoic acid

32. Which of the following statements is correct:
(a) Phenol is less acidic than Ethanol (b) Phenol is more acidic than Ethanol
(c) Phenol is more acidic than Acetic acid (d) None

33. Isopropyl alcohol on oxidation gives:
(a) Acetone (b) Ether
(c) Ethylene (d) Acetaldehyde

34. Which of the following is the most suitable method for removing the traces of water
from ethanol:
(a) Reacting with Na metal (b) Passing dry HCI through it
(c) Distilling in presence of CaO (d) Reacting with Mg
35. Na reacts with Ethanol to produce:
(a) H2 gas (b) Benzene
(c) C02 gas (cl) CO gas

36. Picric acid is:
(a) 2, 4, 6- Trinitrotoluene (b) 2, 4, 6-Tribromethanol
(c) 2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenol (cl) Para-Nitrophenol

37. Organic acidic compound without a carboxylic acid group is:
(a) Ascorbic acid (b) Vinegar
(c) Oxalic acid (cl) Picric acid

38. Methanol can be prepared from hydrogenation of: 
(a) CH3CN (b) CHsBr
(c) HCHO (d) CH3CHO

39. Phenol reacts with acetyl chloride in the presence of a base to form an: 
(a) acid (b) alcohol (c) aldehyde (cl)

40. Alcohol obtained by fermentation never exceeds: (LHR 2014)
(a) 10% (b) 16%
(c) 14% alcohol (d) 95% alcohol

41. Phenol reacts with acetyl chloride in the presence of a base to form an:
(a) Acid (b) Alcohol
(c) Aldehyde (cl) Ester

42. 2 — Hydroxy propanoic acid is called:
(a) Oxalic acid (b) Lactic acid
(c) Citric acid (cl) Aspartic acid

43. Methyl alcohol is not used: 
(a) As a substitute for Ethanol in drinking (b) As a substitute for petrol E
(c) For denaturing of ethyl alcohol (cl) All <

44. Which liquid is called wood spirit? 
(a) CH3OH (b) C2H50H E
(c) CH3COOH (d) CH30CH3 ';

45. Order of reactivity of alcohols when C-O bond breaks is: 
(a) Tertiary alcohol>Secondary alcohoI>Primary alcohol q
(b) Primary alcohol>Secondary alcoho|>Tertiary alcohol 3
(c) Secondary alcohoI>Primary alcohoI>Tertiary alcohol g
(d) Tertiary alcohoI>Primary alcohol >Secondary alcohol ‘

46. Which compound is called a universal solvent? c
(a) H20 (b) CH30H _d
(C) C2H50H (CI) CH3OCH3

47. Ethanol and methanol can be distinguished by 
(a) Iodoform test (b) Lucas Test '3
(c) Benedicts test (d) Tollen’s test :

48. Ethers show the phenomena of:
(a) Position isomerism (b) Functional group isomerism
(c) Metamerism (cl) Cis-trans isomerism

49. Which enzyme is not involved in fermentation of starch? 
(a) Diastase (b) Zymase
(c) Urease (cl) Invertase

50. Which of the following reagent will replace —OH group of alcohol by halogen atoms?
(a) HOCI (b) Em (C) SOCI2 (d) 12

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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