1. Which one of the following undergoes Cannizzaro’s reaction in the presence of dilute
aqueous sodium hydroxide?
(a) HCHO (b) CH3CHO
(c) CHs-CHz-CHO (d) CH3-COCH3

2. Formaldehyde condenses with phenol in the presence of dilute base to yield:
(a) Nylon-6,6 (b) Urotropine
(c) Aniline-formaldehyde (cl) Bakelite

3. Calcium acetate on dry heating yields:
(a) HCHO (b) CH3CHO
(c) CH3COCH3 (d) CH3COOH

4. Air oxidation of methanol produces:
(a) Ethanol (b) Methanal
(c) Mixture of Methanal and Ethanal
 (cl) Methane

5. Acetone reacts with HCN to form cyanohydrin, It is an example of:
(a) Electrophilic addition (b) Electrophilic substitution
(c) Nucleophilic addition (d) Nuclearphilic substitution .3

6. Which of the following compounds will not give Iodoform:
(a) Acetaldehyde (b) Acetone g
(c) Butanone (d) 3-Pentanone g

7. Addition of alcohol in carbonyl compounds gives acetal; the geometry of acetal is: 3‘
(a) Linear (b) Trigonal '5
c) Tetrahedral (cl) Planar E

8. Which of the following compound will react with Tollen's reagent: a:
. . cu
(a) Acetone (b) Acetlc aCId —
(c) Methyl ethyl ketone (cl) Acetaldehyde 3

9. Which of the reagents will react with Ketones only: c
(a) Sodium nitroprusside (b) Tollen’s reagent 3
(c) Fehling’s reagent (d) Benedict’s reagent 3

10. The Nucleophilic addition reactions of carbonyl compounds are catalyzed by: m
(a) Acids (b) Bases 7-“
(c) Both a and b (cl) None of these >

11. Acetaldehyde is distinguished from other aldehydes by: <
(a) Iodoform test (b) Tollen’s reagent
(c) Silver mirror test (cl) all of these

12. Which is used in the preparation of throat lozenges:
(a) Formaldehyde (b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Menthol (cl) Menthone

13. Which is used as an antiseptic inhalant:
(a) Formaldehyde (b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Formic acid (cl) Acetic acid

14. Aldehyde forms acetal when they combine with alcohols in the presence of:
(a) Hydrogen Iodide (b) Hydrogen gas
(c) Hydrogen Chloride (cl) Sodium Hydroxide

15. Which of the following groups does not show catalytic oxidation:
(a) Aldehyde (b) Alcohol
(c) Carboxylic acid (cl) Ketone

16. Isopropyl alcohol on oxidation forms:
(a) Acetone (b) Ether
(c) Ethylene (cl) Acetaldehyde

17. Which of the following reactions is used for detecting the presence of carbonyl group?
(a) Reaction with hydroxylamine (b) Ammonical cuprous oxide
(c) Ammonical silver bromide (cl) Ammonical silver nitrate

18. Propyne on hydrolysis in presence of H2504 and HgSO4 gives:
(a) Acetaldehyde (b) Acetone
(c) Formaldehyde (cl) None

19. On heating acetaldehyde with Ammonical silver nitrate solution, we get:
(a) CH30H (b) Silver acetate
(c) HCHO (cl) Silver mirror

20. At room temperature formaldehyde is:
(a) Gas (b) Liquid
(c) Solid (cl) Rubber like solid

21. The compound obtained by the reduction of Propionaldehyde with amalgamated Zinc
and concentrated HCI is:
(a) Propanol (b) Propane
(c) Propane (cl) All

22. Aromatic Aldehydes undergo disproportionation reaction in presence of sodium or
potassium hydroxide to give corresponding alcohol and acid. The reaction is known as:
(a) Wurtz reaction (b) Cannizzaro reaction
(c) Friedel-Craft reaction (d) None 03

23. Which of the following is used in formation of hypnotic drug:
(a) Chloral hydrate (b) Ethanol Tetramer g
(c) Ethanol Trimer (d) both a and C Le

24. When vapors of Isopropyl alcohol are passed over heated copper, the major product 3:
obtained is: '5
(a) Propane (b) Propylene E
(c) Acetaldehyde (cl) Acetone 0

25. A Nucleophilic regent will readily attack on: %
(a) Ethylene (b) Ethanal u
(c) Ethanol (cl) Ethylamine C

26. Which of the following does not react with phenyl hydrazine: °
(a) Ethanol (b) Ethanal 3
(c) Acetone (cl) Acetophenone :5

27. Self condensation of Acetaldehyde in the presence of dilute alkali gives: 7;
(a) An acetal (b) An aldol >
(c) Paraldehyde (cl) Acetone <

28. Which of the following does not give brick red ppt. with Fehling solution:
(a) Formalin (b) Acetaldehyde
(c) D-Glucose (cl) Acetone

29. Formalin is 40% aqueous solution of:
(a) Furfural (b) Formaldehyde
(c) Formic acid (cl) Methyl iodide

30. Acetone is oxidized with:
(a) Tollen’s reagent (b) Fehling solution
(c) Acidified dichromate solution (cl) Benedicts solution

31. Concentrated Sodium hydroxide and Benzaldehyde reacts to produce:
(a) Benzyl alcohol (b) Hydrobenzamide
(c) Cinnamic acid (cl) Benzophenone

32. Wolf-Kishner reduction is used for the reduction of.
(a) Nitro compounds (b) Carboxylic acids
(c) Carbonyl compounds (cl) Olefins

33. CszCHO and (CH3)2CO can be distinguished by testing with:
(a) Phenyl hydrazine (b) Hydroxylamine
(c) Fehling solution (cl) Sodium bisulphate

34. Clemmenson’s reduction of Ketones is carried out with:
(a) H2with Pd catalyst (b) KOH+N2H4
(c) LiAlH4 in water (cl) Zn-Hg with conc. HCI

35. Which of the following organic compounds exhibits positive Fehling test as well as
Iodoform test:
(a) Methanal (b) Ethanol
(c) Propanone (cl) Ethanal

36. Which of the following reactants will render Tertiary butyl alcohol on reacting with
methyl magnesium iodide?
(a) HCHO (b) CH3CHO
(c) CH3COCH3 (d) C02

37. Bisulphite adduct is:
(a) Yellow ppt (b) Crystalline white ppt
(c) Greenish Crystalline (cl) Red solid

38. The IUPAC name of CH3COCH (CH3)2 is:
(a) 4-Methylisopropy ketone (b) 3-MethyI-2-butanone
(c) Isopropylmethyl ketone (d) 2- Methyl-2 butanone 03

39. Which of the following reagents will react with both Aldehydes and Ketones? E
(a) Fehling’s reagent (b) Tollen’s reagent 8
(c) Grignard’s reagent (d) Benedicts reagent >-‘

40. Tollen’s regent is: 3;:
(a) Alkaline solution containing Potassium tartarate U
(b) Alkaline solution containing Potassium citrate S
(c) Ammonical AgN03 2
(d) Ammonical CU2C|2 I5

41. Which compounds will not give Iodoform test on treatment with I2/NaOH? Z
(a) Acetaldehyde (b) Acetone o
(c) Butanone (cl) 3 — Pentanone 2

42. The carbon atom of the carbonyl group is: .a
(a) sp hybridized (b) sp2 hybridized g
(c) sp3 hybridized (cl) None of these g

43. Ketones are prepared by the oxidation of: <
(a) Primary alcohols (b) Secondary alcohols
(c) Tetiary alcohols (cl) None

44. Acetone reacts with HCN to form cyanohydrin. It is an example of:
(a) Electrophilic addition (b) Electrophilic substation
(c) Nucleophilic addition (cl) Nucleophlic substitution

45. Catalyst used for the laboratory preparation of formaldehyde is:
(a) ZnO (b) Al203 (c) Platinized Asbestos (cl) None

46. Hybridization of carbon in carbonyl group is: 
(a) SP3 (b) $2 (C) dSD2 (d) Sp

47. Cannizzaro’s reaction is not given by: 
(a) Formaldehyde (b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Benzaldehyde (cl) Trimethyl acetaldehyde
48. Ketones are always reduced to: 
(a) Primary alcohol (b) Secondary alcohol
(c) Tertiary alcohol (d) None of these

49. Aldol product on heating undergoes:
(a) Decomposition (b) Dehydration
(c) Rearrangement (d) None of these

50. Acidified oxidizing agent for the laboratory preparation of acetaldehyde is:

(a) K2Cr207+ H20 (b) Na2CrzO7+HzSO4
(C) K2CF207+H2$ (Cl) N82Cr207+N02

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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