2nd year Chemistry chapter 13 MCQs (Carboxylic acids)


 Chapter 13 
1. Which acid of the following is not a fatty acid? 
(a) Propanoic acid (b) Phthalic acid  
(c) Butanoic acid (d) Acetic acid 

2. Which reagent is used to reduce a carboxylic group to an alcohol? 
(a) H2/Ni (b) H2/Pt   
(c) H2/Pd (d) LiAlH4 

3. Sodium acetate and Acetyl chloride react to give: 
(a) Acetic acid (b) Acetone   
(c) Acetic anhydride (d) None 

4. Acetic acid and formic acid, both exist as cyclic dimer in vapour state because of: 
(a) Hydrogen bonding (b) Polymerization  
(c) Condensation (d) Distillation 

5. Nature of Glycine amino acid is: 
(a) Neutral (b) Acidic   
(c) Basic (d) None 

6. Acetic acid is obtained when 
(a) CH3OH is oxidized (b) Calcium . om
acetate is distilled 
(c) Ethanol is oxidized (d) Ammonium carbonate is heated 

7. Which one of the following products is not formed when acetic acid reacts with PCl5? 
(a) CH3COCl (b) HCl   
(c) POCl3 (d) CH3Cl 

8. Which of following derivative cannot be prepared directly from acetic acid? 
(a) Acetamide (b) Acetyl chloride  
(c) Acetic anhydride (d) Ethyl acetate 

9. Acetamide is prepared by: 
(a) Heating ammonium acetate (b) Heating methyl cyanide 
(c) Hydrazine (d) Mixture of NH4Cl and acetic acid 

10. Which Ester is used for the flavor of Banana: 
(a) Benzyl acetate (b) Amyl acetate  
(c) Isobutyl formate (d) Ethyl butyrate 

11. Freezing point of acetic acid is: 
(a) -17oC (b) 17oC   
(c) -118oC (d) Room temperature 

12. Glacial acetic acid is miscible in all proportions with: 
(a) Water (b) Ether   
(c) Alcohol (d) All of these 

13. The carbon atom of a carbonyl group is: 
(a) Unhybridized (b) sp hybridized  
(c) sp2 hybridized (d) sp3 hybridized 

14. The boiling points of the Carboxylic acid are: 
(a) High (b) Low  
(c) Extremely low (d) Extremely high 

15. Carboxylic acids on reaction with Lithium hydride are reduced to: 
(a) Aldehyde (b) Alkene   
(c) Alcohol (d) Ester 

16. Which of following is commonly known as vinegar: 
(a) Formic acid (b) Butanoic acid  
(c) Formaldehyde (d) Acetic acid 
17. When Ethyl alcohol is oxidized with K2Cr2O7 and dilute H2SO4 , which of the following 
is produced: 
(a) Formaldehyde (b) Acetic acid  
(c) Butanoic acid (d) Formic acid 

18. Zwitterion is also called: 
(a) Dipolar ion (b) Internal Salt (c) both a and b
  (d) Non polar ion 

19. Amino acids can be synthesized by reaction of α-Bromo acid with: 
(a) Ammonia (b) Urea  (c) Ammonium 
Chloride (d) Formaldehyde 

20. Reaction of acids with alcohols is known as: 
(a) Esterification (b) Saponification (c)
 Neutralization (d) None 

21. Toluene can be oxidized to Benzoic acid by: 
(a) KMnO4 (acidic medium) (b) K2Cr2O7 (acidic medium)  
(c) Both a and b  (d) None 

22. When two moles of acetic acid are heated with P2O5 the product formed is: 
(a) 2 moles of ethyl alcohol (b) Two moles of Acetone 
(c) Acetic anhydride (d) Ethyl acetate ester 

23. Of the following four reactions, formic acid and acetic acid differ in mwhich respect?  
(a) Replacement of hydrogen by sodium (b) Formation of ester with alcohol 
(c) Reduction of Fehling solution (d) Blue litmus reaction 

24. Glacial Acetic acid at 17oC is: 
(a) Colourless liquid  (b) Ice like s.olidc  
(c) Waxy solid  (d) A gas 

25. Weakest acid among the followings is: 
(a) Acetic acid  (b) Phyenol   
(c) Water  (d) Acetylene 

26. Ethyl alcohol reacts with acetyl chloride to form: 
(a) Ethyl chloride  (b) Acetic acid  
(c) Methyleacetate  (d) Ethyl acetate 

27. Which of the following is the strongest acid: 
(a) CF3COOH (b) CBr3COOH  
(c) CH3COOH (d) CCl3COOH 

28. HCOOH reacts with conc H2SmO4 to produce: 
(a) CO+H2O (b) CO2+H2   
(c) HCHO (d) None 

29. Hydrolysis of an ester gives a carboxylic acid which on Kolbe’s electrolysis yields 
ethane, the ester is 
(a) Ethyl methonoate (b) Methyl ethanoate  
(c) Ethyl acetate ester (d) None 

30. Carboxylic acids are more acidic than phenol and alcohol because of: 
(a) Intermolecular hydrogen bonding  
(b) Formation of Dimers 
(c) Highly acidic hydrogen   
 (d) Resonance stabilization of their conjugate base (Carboxylate ion) 

31. Organic compounds having fruity smell are: 
(a) Carboxylic acids      (b) Alcohols  
(c) Ethers      (d) Esters 

32. The solution of the acid used for seasoning of food is: 
(a) Formic acid     (b) Acetic acid   
(c) Benzoic acid     (d) Butanoic acid 

33. Which of the following is not a fatty acid? 
(a) Propanoic acid     (b) Acetic acid  
(c) Phthalic acid     (d) Butanoic acid  
34. Acetic acid was first isolated from:  
(a) Butter  (b) vinegar  
(c) Milk    (d) Red ant 

35. Acetic acid was first isolated from: 
(a) Butter  (b) Vinegar  
(c) Milk    (d) Red ant 

36. The molecular mass of protein is: 
(a) Less than 10,000   (b) Greater than 10,000 
(c) Equal to 10,000    (d) Equal to 9,000 

37. Amino acids are prepared by: 
(a) Williamson’s synthesis (b) Strecker’s synthesis 
(c) Wurtz’s synthesis    (d) Perkin’s reaction 

38.    The molecular mass of protein is: 
 (a) Less than 10,000  (b) Greater than 10,000 
 (c) Equal to 10,000  (d) Equal to 9000 

39. Molar mass of CH3COOH obtained by elevation of boiling point method is:   
 (a) 30     (b)  60   
 (c) 120   (d)  180 

40. Which compound is polyprotic acid? 
 (a) CH3COOH   (b)  C6H4(OH)COOH    m 
  (c)  (COOH)2   (d)  C6H5OH 

41. Dipolar structure of zwitterions is also called: 
    (a) Double salt   (b)  Health salt  
    (c) Internal salt   (d)  External salt 

42. The flavor of amyl acetate is: 
 (a) Orange        (b) Apricot   
 (c)  Pine apple   (d)  Banana  

43. Acetic acid is manufactured by:        
 (a) Distillation   (b)  Fermentation  
 (c) Ozonolysis   (d)  Esterification 

44. The organic acid that does not have carboxyl group is: 
 (a) Formic acid   (b)  Picric acid  
 (c) Formaldehyde   (d)  Acetone 

45. Tyrosine was first isolated from.                
 (a) Sugar    (b)  Cheese   
 (c) Butter    (d)  Milk 

46. Phathalic acid is a:                  
 (a) Monocarboxylic acid (b)Dicarboxylic acid 
 (c) Tricarboxylic acid   (d) None of these 

47. The reagent used to convert carboxylic acid directly to alkane is              
 (a) HI/P    (b)  NaBH4   
 (c) LiAlH4    (d)  H2/Ni 

48. Which acid is used in the manufacture of synthetic fiber?               (MTN 2015) 
 (a) Formic acid    (b)  Oxalic acid   
 (c) Carbonic acid    (d)  Acetic acid 

49. The amino acids which cannot be synthesized by our body are:               
 (a) 5     (b)  10   
 (c)  15    (d)  20 

50. Which one of the following is an unsaturated carboxylic acid?   
 (a) Malonic acid    (b)  Oxalic acid  
 (c) Succinic acid    (d)  Maleic acid 

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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