2nd year Chemistry chapter 15 MCQs (COMMON CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES IN PAKISTAN )


1. The percentage of nitrogen in NH3 is: 
(a) 46%  (b) 60%   
(c) 82%  (d) 100% 

2. Potassium fertilizers are useful for: 
(a) Tobacco  (b) Coffee   
(c) Potato   (d) all of these 

3. Which one of the following raw materials is not used in the cement manufacture: 
(a) Lime stone          (b) Gypsum  
(c) Blast furnace slag  (d) Lead 

4. White water is: 
(a) Hard water     
(b) Water obtained from a crystal by heating 
(c) Water which is obtained from pulp, through screen at Fourdrinier table 
(d) Water which is removed from amino acids when they from peptide bond 

5. The % of Nitrogen in Ammonium Nitrate is:                
(a)  46%  (b)  82% 
(c)  33%  (d)  16% 

6. Which is not a calcareous material?   
(a) lime    (b) clay   
(c) marble  (d) marine shell 

7. The nitrogenous fertilizer easily taken up by plants is:               
(a) Urea         (b) Ammonium nitrate 
(c) Ammonia gas  (d) Ammonia solution 

8. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is not used for which crops?           
(a) Cotton     (b) Wheat   
(c) Sugarcane  (d) Paddy rice 

9. Point out raw material which is most suitable for manufacturing of urea: 
(a) CO2, N2, H2  (b) N2, H2, CO  
(c) CH4, N2, H2  (d) H2, N2 

10. Which one of the following fertilizers has maximum manufacturing plants in Pakistan: 
(a) Urea                (b) Ammonia  
(c) Ammonium phosphate  (d) Ammonium nitrate 

11. Phosphorous helps the growth of:              
(a) Root  (b) Leave   
(c) Stem  (d) Seed 

12. Which of the following nitrogen fertilizer contains more nitrogen: 
(a) NaNO3   (b) KNO3   
(c) NH4NO3  (d) Urea 

13. Urea contains about 
(a) 48% Nitrogen  (b) 46% Nitrogen  
(c) 44% Nitrogen  (d) 42% Nitrogen 

14. Potassium nitrate is prepared by direct reaction between potassium chloride and 
(a) Nitric acid     (b) Nitrosyl chloride      
(c) Sodium nitrate  (d) Nitrate ions 
15. The total production of urea fertilizer in Pakistan is: 
(a) 56,20,10 metric tons /annum             (b) 56,25,100 metric tons/ annum 
(c) 56, 23,100 metric tons/annum           (d) 56, 30,100 metric tons /annum 

16. For Chemical pulping, the principal methods used are: 
(a) Five   (b) Four   
(c) Three  (d) Two  

17. During setting of cement, Tricalcium silicate and tri-calcium aluminate are get 
hydrolyzed to produce calcium hydroxide and 
(a) Ca(OH)2.2H2O  (b) CaCO3.2H2O  
(c) Al(OH)3       (d) CaCO2 

18. For manufacture of Portland cement main materials are: 
(a) Lime and Silica (b) Alumina and Magnesia 
(c) Silica and FeO  (d) Clay and Shale 

19. In cement manufacture, 75% Lime stone is used to get: 
(a) 62% Lime  (b) 60% Lime  
(c) 75% Lime  (d) None 

20. The natural fertilizer is called: 
 (a) Manure           (b) Urea  
 (c) Super phosphate  (d) Ammonium sulphate 

21. Which of the following elements is not a micro nutrient?.  co              
 (a) Cu  (b) Fe  (c) Mg   (d) Mo 

22. Macronutrients are required for an acre of land in quantity ranging from: 
(a) 2-200Kg          (b) 3-200Kg  
(c) 4-200Kg          (d) y5-200Kg 

23. Calendar stock is the stage of paper making where?  
(a) Paper is stored                       (b) Thickness is reduced 
(c) water is removed                       (d) Stock is reduced to 1%  

24. Which non-woody raw material is used for making pulp and paper? 
(a) Fur         (b) Rice/wheat straw              (c) Eucalyptus  (d) Poplar 

25. The hottest zone in rotary kiln is:                   
(a) Drying           (b) Pre-heating   
(c) Burning          (d) Decomposition 

26. Which sequence of steps are correct for the manufacture of cement?  
(a) Mixing, heating, grinding, crushing   
(b) Crushing, heating, mixing, grinding  
(c) Crushing, heating, mixing, grinding  
(d) Crushing, grinding, mixing, heating  

27. It is not used in paper and pulp industry:                  
(a) Bamboo (b) Cotton stalk                 (c) Poplar (d) He gas 

28. A manure is:                            (a) An organic compound                       (b) An inorganic compound 
(c) A mixture of organic and inorganic compounds                                  (d) A mixture of inorganic compounds 

29.  The fertilizer that contains largest amount of nitrogen nutrient is:  
 (a) Liquid nitrogen (b) Urea   
 (c) Liquid ammonia  (d)  Ammonium nitrate 

30. Argillaceous material in the following is:            
(a) Lime    (b)  Clay   
(c) Marble  (d)  Marine shell 

31. Which substance in cement has greater percentage?                     
 (a) Silica (SiO2)      (b)  Lime (CaO)  
 (c) Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) (d)  Alumina (Al2O3) 
32.   Which one is an organic fertilizer:                   
 (a) Manure  (b)  Ammonium nitrate  
 (c) Urea    (d)  both a & c 

33. Which one is a micronutrient?                  
 (a) Boron        (b)  Nitrogen  
 (c) Phosphorous  (d)  Potassium 

34. The fertilizer which contains 46% nitrogen is:                  
 (a) Urea               (b)  Ammonia  
 (c) Ammonium nitrate   (d)  none of these 

35. Argillaceous material used for the manufacture of cement provides 
(a) Basic components                             (b)  Amphoteric compounds 
(c) Acidic components                             (d)  both acidic and basic component 

36. Diammonium Phosphate contains:                            
 (a) 18% Nitrogen         (b)  48% P2O5  
 (c) 88% plant nutrients  (d)  10% Nitrogen 

37. The % of lime (CaO) in Portland cement is:        
 (a) 1.0   (b)  2.5   
 (c) 62.0  (d)  60.0 

38. The % of gypsum in Portland cement is:       
 (a) 4-5%  (b)  9-4%   
 (c) 2-3%  (d)  1-2% 
Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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