2nd year Chemistry chapter 16 (Environmental Chemistry)


1. Disinfection of water by chlorine is done by the production of:  
(a) NH2Cl           (b) NCl3  
(c) HOCl            (d) NHCl2 

2. Following is better to disinfect water:               
(a) Cl2 (b) O2   
(c) O3  (d) KMnO4 

3. In which layer of the atmosphere is Ozone present: 
(a) Thermosphere (b) mesosphere 
(c) Stratosphere (d) Troposphere 

4. Which one of the following is not a pollutant: 
(a) CO2 (b) NO2   
(c) CO  (d) SO2 

5. The smog which has high contents of SO2 in it, is called: m
(a) Reducing smog (b) Oxidizing smog    
(c) Natural smog  (d) Neutral smog 

6. Which one of the following diseases is not eradicated b.y tche poesticides: 
(a) Sleeping sickness (b) Rickets    
(c) Malaria           (d) Yellow fever 

7. C.O.D of water can be determined directly: 
(a) Cr2O -2 (b) CrO -   
(c) Cr+3    (d) Cr 2

8. Cracking of Polyethene at high temperature gives: 
(a) Allotropes (b) Isomorphs  
(c) Polymers   (d) Monomers 

9. The residual ash after incineration of industrial waste is disposed off in a landfill, which is lined with:                                                                         
(a) Portland cement (b) Clay and plastic    
(c) Stone-ware      (d) Methyl silicone 

10. The temperature in the non-rotating chamber in the incineration of industrial 
hazardous waste process has a range:       
(a) 950 to 1300 ͦC (b) 900 to 1000 ͦC  
(c) 250 to 500 ͦC  (d) 500 to 900 ͦC 

11. The thickness of atmosphere is:               
(a) 1500 Km (b) 1000 Km  
(c) 500 Km  (d) 100 Km 

12. The fresth water being used for domestic purpose is:    
(a) 8%  (b) 23%   
(c) 69% (d) 100% 

13. The normal amount of overhead ozone is:    
(a) 300 Du (b) 350 Du   
(c) 400 Du (d) 450 Du 

14. The normal amount of overhead Ozone is about: 
(a) 250 D.U (b) 300 D.U   
(c) 350 D.U (d) 400 D.U 

15. The mean residence time of methane in the atmosphere: 
(a) 3-6 years (b) 3-5 years  
(c) 3-7 years (d) 3-8 years 

16. Photochemical smog consists of high concentration of: 
(a) Oxidants (b) Reductants  
(c) Acids    (d) Bases 
17. The boiling point of Ozone is very: 
(a) High  (b) Low  
(c) 10 oC (d) -10 oC 

18. In clean water, molecular oxygen ranges from: 
(a) 4-7 ppm (b) 4-9 ppm  
(c) 4-8 ppm (d) 4-10 ppm 

19. The recycling of plastic involves: 
(a) Re-processing  (b) Depolymerization    
(c) Transformation (d) All 

20. Which of following is three times lighter than air: 
(a) Carbon monoxide (b) Carbon dioxide  
(c) Both a and b     (d) None 

21. Atmosphere of big/metropolitan cities is polluted most by: 
(a) Automobile exhausts                      (b) Pesticide residue   
(c) Household waste                         (d) Radio-active fall out 

22. Chief air pollutant which is likely to deplete Ozone layer: 
(a) Sulphur dioxide (b) Carbon monoxide  
(c) Carbon dioxide  (d) NOx + CFC’s 

23. Pollutant of automobile exhausts that affects nervous system and pmroduces mental 
disease is: 
(a) Mercury        (b) Lead   
(c) Nitrogen oxide (d) Sulphur o.xidce o

24. SO2 and NO2 produce air pollution in the form of: 
(a) Smog         (b) Acidic Rain  
(c) Both a and b (d) None 

25. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant as it: 
(a) Inactivates nerves                     (b) Inhyibits glycolysis 
(c) Combines with oxygen                          (d) Combines with hemoglobin 

26. Acid rains are produced by: 
(a) Excess NO2 and SO2 from burning fossil fuels  
(b) Excess production of NH3 by industry and coal gas 
(c) Excess release of carbon monoxide by incomplete combustion 
(d) Excess formation of CO2 by combustion and animal respiration 

27. Atmospheric pollutant is: 
(a) CO2  (b) CO   
(c) O2   (d) N2  

28. Increased asthmatic attacks in certain seasons are related to : 
(a) Inhalation of seasonal pollen          (b) Eating of seasonal vegetables 
(c) Low temperature                        (d) Wet and dry environment 

29. Ozone depletion in stratosphere results in: 
(a) Forest fires                          (b)  Increased incidence of skin cancer 
(c) Globatl warming                          (d)  None 

30. Pollution is: 
(a) Removal of top soil  
(b) Release of toxic/undesirable materials in environment 
(c) Wastage of energy   
(d) All of above 

31. Which causes water pollution: 
(a) Smoke      (b) Automobile exhausts  
(c) Pesticides (d) All 

32. BOD is connected with: 
(a) Organic matter              (b) Microbes  
(c) Microbes and organic matter (d) None 

33. UV radiations bring about: 
(a) Skin cancer (b) Mouth cancer  
(c) Lung cancer (d) Liver cancer 
34. BOD is: 
(a) Biological oxygen deficit               (b) Biosphere oxygen demand 
(c) Biological oxygen demand                (d) None of the above 

35. Water pollution is mainly due to 
(a) Sulphur dioxide                            (b) Carbon dioxide  
(c) Carbon particles                        (d) Industrial discharges 

36. Chlorofluorocarbon releases _____ harmful to ozone: 
(a) Free radicals   (b) -Ve ions  
(c) +Ve ions        (d) All 

37. Increasing skin cancer and high mutation rate are due to: 
(a) Acid rain   (b) Ozone depletion    
(c) CO          (d) Smog 

38. Ozone hole is largest over: 
(a) Europe   (b) Antarctica  
(c) Asia     (d) Africa 

39. Ozone hole refers to: 
(a) Physical hole in ozone layers   
(b) Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere 
(c) Reduction of thickness of ozone in troposphere 
(d) Increase concentration of ozone 

40. Environmental pollution affects: 
(a) Biotic components    
(b) Plants only 
(c) Man only    
(d) Biotic and abiotic components of environment

41. Water is often treated with chlorine to: 
(a) Increase oxygen content  
(b) Kill germs 
(c) Remove hardness                         (d) Remove suspended particles 

42. Result of ozone hole is 
(a) Greenhouse effect                      (b) Global warming 
(c) Acid rain                                (d) UV rays reach the earth 

43. Co-ordination number of Fe in [Fe(CN)6]4: 
 (a) 4      (b) 2   
 (c) 6      (d) 4 

44. Disinfection of water by chlorine is done by the production of: 
 (a) NH2Cl  (b) NCl3  (c) HOCl  (d) NHCl2 

45. The residence time of NO in atmosphere is:    
(a) 30 minutes (b) one day                 (c) Three days (d) Four days 

46. In purification of potable water the coagulant used is:    
 (a) Nickle sulphate     (b) Copper sulphate  
 (c) Barrium sulphate    (d) Alum 

47. Atmosphere contains carbon dioxide: 
 (a) t0.01a%  (b) 0.02%  (c) 0.03%  (d) None 

48. Biochemical oxygen demand is the capacity of organic matter in natural water to consume oxygen with in a period of:                
(a) 3 days  (b) 4 days                         (c) 5 days  (d) 6 days 

49. Half of the mass of the atmosphere is concentrated in lower:  
 (a) 4.6 Km  (b) 5.6 Km (c) 3.6 Km (d) 15 Km 

50. Lithosphere extends in Earth up to the depth of:    
 (a) 50 Km  (b) 100 Km  (c) 150 Km (d) 30 Km 

51. Chlorofluorocarbons play an effective role in removing O3 in the: 
(a) Troposphere  (b)   Stratosphere                   (c) Polar region (d) Equator 
52. Lithosphere is mainly made up of 11 elements, the element found in highest 
percentage is:        
(a) Sodium  (b) Calcium                                                  (c) Carbon  (d) Silicone  

53. Which one of the following is not the affect of acid rain?    
 (a) It increases the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere 
 (b) It leaches metal like aluminum, mercury and lead from soil 
(c) It damages the buildings   
(d) It decreases the pH of natural 

54. How much Earth’s water is present in Oceans:              
 (a) 97%  (b) 87%  (c) 77%  (d) 67% 

55. Detergent greatly affects:                  
(a)  Aquatic life     (b)  modern life  
(c)  Terrestrial life (d)  plant’s life 

56. The Ozone layer is: 
(a)  25-28 Km high    (b)  26-29 Km high  
(c)  24-27 Km high    (d)  20-28 Km high 

57. The region of earth capable of supporting life is called:               
(a)  Atmosphere    (b)  Biosphere  
(c)  Lithosphere   (d)  Hydrosphere 

58. The decrease in ozone concentration in overhead atmosphere is omccurring due to 
human activity. Half of the ozone over Antarctica has been deopleted up to the year: 
(a)  1960     (b)  1970   
(c)  1980     (d)  1990 

59.  Component of environment which consists of all water bodies is:  
(a)  Biosphere    (b)  Hydrosphere  
(c)  Lithosphere  (d)  yAtmosphere 

60. Newspaper can be recycled again and again for how many times?       
 (a)  2  (b)  3  (c)  4   (d)  5 

61.  Which one is secondary pollutant? 
 (a)  SO2  (b)  H2CO3  (c)  CO   (d)  CO2 

62. Which one is most toxic?        
 (a)  SO2  (b)  NO2  (c)  CO   (d)  CO2 

63. The pH of unpolluted rain water should be:    
 (a)  5.00  (b)  5.60  (c)  6.50 (d) 7.00 
Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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