2nd year Chemistry chapter 3 MCQs ( GROUP III A AND GROUP IV A ELEMENTS )


1. Gibbsite contain ____ water molecules: 
(a) 6  (b) 5  (c) 4   (d) 3 

2. Sindur used by Indian women is chemically: 
(a) PbO  (b) PbO2  (c) Pb3O4   (d) PbCO3 

3. Corundum is: 
(a) Al2O3         (b) Na3AIF6   
(c) Al2O3.2H2O    (d) Al2O3.3H2O 

4. Which one of the following is not an ore of Aluminum: 
(a) Corundum    (b) Bauxite                    (c) Colemanite  (d) Kaolin 

5. Which one of the following is not a use of boric acid: 
(a) Antiseptic                               (b) Glaze   
(c) Stiffening agent for candle wick                    (d) Lubricant 

6. Which of the following reactions of Al is used in a photo .flacsh: o
(a) 2 Al + 3 H2 →2AlH3                         (b) 4 Al + 3 O2 →2Al2O3 
(c) 2 Al + N2 →2AlN                              (d) 2 Al + 3Cl2 →2AICI3 

7. Two elements frequently used for making transistors are: 
(a) C and Si    (b) a and In                 (c) P and As    (d) Si and Ge 

8. Which one of the following is not a use of red lead, Pb3O4: 
(a) Red Pigment       (b) Flint Glass  
(c) Ceramic glazes    (d) Semiconductor 

9. In the dried up lakes of Tibet and California _____ is found: 
(a) Boric acid (b) Colemanite               (c) Borax   (d) All 

10. What is the formula of Kaolin (Clay): 
(a) Al2O3.SiO4    (b) Al2O3   
(c) Al2O3 .2H2O   (d) Al2O3, 2SiO2 .2H2O 

11. Boric acid is formed when borax reacts with: 
(a) NaCl  (b) NaOH  (c) HCl   (d) H2CO3 

12. Ethyl borate is formed when boric acid is reacted with: 
(a) Elhyl Choride    (b) Ethyl Bormide  
(c) Ethyl Alcohol    (d) Ethyl Acetate 

13. Which of the following is a weak acid: 
(a) Na2SO4        (b) HCl   
(c) Boric Acid    (d) None of these 

14. Talc is used in: 
(a) Talcum powders                                 (b) Face powders  
(c) Making of house hold articles            (d) All 

15. The Chemical formula of Lead sub oxide: 
(a) PbO  (b) Pb2O  (c) Pb2O3   (d) Pb3O4 

16. The Chemical formula for white lead is: 
(a) PbCO3          (b) Pb3O4                       (c) 2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2 (d) Pb2O3 

17. Which metal is protected by a layer of its own oxide: 
(a) Al  (b) Zn  (c) Sn   (d) Pb 

18. Inert pair effect plays an important role in case of: 
(a) F  (b) Al  (c) Si   (d) Pb 
19. Alum is not used: 
(a) To jam Radar                             (b) To insulate buildings  
(c) Construction of ships                     (d) Making milk storage tanks 

20. Al is badly corroded by: 
(a) Pure water    (b) Salt solutions  
(c) Dil.H2SO4     (d) Dil.HNO3 

21. B2H6 is an example of: 
(a) Ionic hydride                           (b) Molecular addition compound 
(c) Good oxidizing agent                   (d) None 

22. Aluminium reacts with caustic soda to form: 
(a) Aluminium hydroxide                    (b) Aluminium oxide 
(c) Sodium aluminium hydroxide             (d) None 

23. Compounds of Boron behave as Lewis acids because of: 
(a) Electron donation                      (b) Electron deficiency of Boron 
(c) Non-metallic nature of Boron            (d) Small size of Boron 

24. BF3 acts as acid according to the concept of: 
(a) Lewis        (b) Bronsted-Lowry  
(c) Arrhenius    (d) None m

25. The non-polar oxide is: 
(a) H2O  (b) CO2  (c) CO . co (d) All 

26. The semiconductor material among following is: 
(a) Si  (b) Ge  (c) PbS   (d) All 

27. In Borax bead test, when borax is heated with cobalt oxide it forms bead of: 
(a) Black colour     (b) Blue colour  
(c) Red colour       (d) Green colour 

28. Chemical composition of Colemanite is:                
(a)  Ca2B6O11.5H2O    (b)  CaB4H7.4H2O  
(c)  CaNaB5O9.8H2O    (d)  Na2B4O7.4H2O 

29. Basic lead chromate is formed when lead chromate is boiled with: 
(a) Dilute alkali hydroxide                  (b) Dilute acid    
(c) Strong alkali hydroxide                 (d) Strong acid 

30. Which of the following is used in making fire proof clothes?      
(a)  Water glass     (b)  Borax glass  
(c)  Kaolin          (d)  Asbestos 

31. Orthoboric acid when heated to red hot gives:                                          (a)  Boric anhydride   (b)  Pyroboric acid  
(c)  Metaboric acid    (d)  Tetraboric acid 

32. S, Se, Te and Po are called:                 
(a)  Coinage metals      (b)  Alkali metals  
(c)  Chalcogens          (d)  Halogens 

33. Aluminum oxide is:                      (a)  Acidic oxide      (b)  Basic oxide   
(c)  Amphoteric oxide  (d)  None of these.  
34. Boric acid reacts with caustic soda to produce:            
(a)  NaBO2    (b)  NaH2BO3                   (c)  Na2B4O7  (d) Na3BO3 

35. Ordinary glass is:         
(a)  Potassium silicate                   (b)  Calcium silicate  
(c)  Sodium silicate                       (d)  Calcium and sodium silicate 

36. The compound which forms the bead in Borax bead test is:   
(a)  Metal oxide     (b)  Metal boride  
(c)  Metal borate    (d)  Metal metaborate 
37. The metal which does not give borax bead test is:     
 (a)  Cu  (b)  Cr  (c)  Ni   (d)  Al 

38. The aqueous solution of borax is:                                        (a)  Acidic     (b)  Neutral   
(c)  Basic      (d)  Corrosive 

39. Which one is more stable?                                                         (a)  H3BO3    (b)  HBO2                      (c)  H2B2O2   (d)  H6B3O9 

40. Nitric acid can be transported in a container made up of:                
(a)  Al     (b)  Zn   
(c)  Cu     (d)  none of these 

41. Valence shell electronic configuration of the elements of group IIIA is:     
(a)  ns1,np2   (b)  ns2,np3 .               (c)  ns0,np3   (d)  ns2,np1 

42. The chief ore of aluminum is:    
(a)  NaAlF3     (b)  Al2O3.2H2O  
(c)  Al2O3      (d)  Al2O3.H2O 

43. The only metal in group IIIA is:                            
 (a)  Ar  (b)  Ga  (c)  B   (d)  In 

44. C+SnO2  Sn + CO2: In this reaction carbon acts as a:                          (a)  Reducing agent                        (b)  Oxidizing agent   
(c)  Dehydrating agent                      (d)  none o.f thcese  

45. The chemical formula of clay is:                             
(a)  Al2O3SiF4    (b)  Na3AlF6   
(c)  Al2O3        (d)  Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O 

46. Which naturally occurring substance is SiO2?                          
(a)  Haematite  (b)  Lime                  (c)  Cryolite   (d)  Quartz  

47. The highly rigid under cooled liquid silica is called:                       
(a)  Silicone       (b)  Quartz   
(c)  Water glass    (d)  Vitreous silica 

48. Which one of the given is amphoteric in nature?                        
 (a)  MgO  (b)  Na2O  (c)  SO2   (d)  ZnO 

49. When H3BO3 reacts with NaOH, the salt mostly formed is?   
(a) Na3BO3 (b) Na2B4O7 (c) NaH2BO3 (d)NaBO2 

50. Which element forms and ion with charge +3?                  
 (a)  Carbon     (b)  Silicone   
(c)  Aluminum    (d)  Beryllium 
Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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