2nd year Chemistry chapter 4 MCQs ( GROUP V A AND IV A ELEMENTS )


1. The % by volume of N2 in air is: 
(a) 98  (b)  88   (c)  78    (d)  68 

2. Which one of the following is an amphoteric oxide: 
(a) SO2  (b) SO3  (c) CO2   (d) Al2O3 

3. In Pyrite burner, the gas produced is: 
(a) SO3  (b) SO2  (c) CO2   (d) NO 

4. In which substance nitrogen is not present: 
(a) Urea        (b) Protein                      (c) Salt peter  (d) Galena 

5. Oxidation of NO in air produces: 
(a) N2O  (b) N2O3  (c) NO2  (d) NO 

6. Which of the following is not correct about Phosphorous?    
(a) It means light                         (b) Does not exist free in nature 
(c) Bone ash is its rich source              (d) has no allotropic forms
 7. Molecular formula of white phosphorous is:       
(a) P4  (b) P  (c) P3   (d) P2 

8. At 18 ͦC the specific gravity of H2SO4 is:       
(a) 1.891  (b) 2.101  (c) 1.834   (d) 1.740 

9. Which of the following elements is most metallc:
(a) Bi  (b) Sb  (c) As   (d) P 

10. The anhydride of nitric acid is: 
(a) N2O4  (b) N2O3  (c) N2O5   (d) NO 

11. Nitrous acid is a: 
(a) Reducing agent  (b) Oxidizing agent   (c) Both a and b    (d) None of these 

12. Which of the following is a white hygroscopic powder: 
(a) P2O3  (b) P2O5  (c) P2O2   (d) P2O4 

13. Aqua Regia is: 
(a) 3 volumes of HCl+ 1Volume of HNO2 .                      (b) 3 Volumes of HCl+ 1Volume of HNO3 
(c) 3 volumes of HNO3+ 1Volume of HCl          (d) 3 Volumes of HCl+ 1Volume of H2SO4 

14. Which one of the following elements occur free in nature: 
(a) N  (b) P  (c) As   (d) Sb 

15. Red phosphorous can be obtained from white Phosphorous by: 
(a) Heating it with Iodine catalyst in vacuum at 250 oC   
(b) Distilling it in an inert atmosphere 
(c) Dissolving it in CS2 and crystallizing       
(d) Melting it and pouring the liquid into water 

16. Phosphorus pentoxide is used as: 
(a) A cleansing agent                            (b) A reducing agent                         (c) A bleaching agent                        (d) A dehydrating agent 

17. The structure of white phosphorus is: 
(a) Square planar    (b) Pyramidal  
(c) Tetrahedral      (d) Trigonal planer 

18. Which of the following phosphorus is most reactive: 
(a) Red phosphorus     (b) White phosphorus    
(c) Scarlet phosphorus (d) Violet phosphorus 
19. Orthophosphoric acid is: 
(a) Monobasic    (b) Dibasic   
(c) Tribasic     (d) Tetrabasic 

20. HNO2 acts as an/a: 
(a) Acid              (b) Oxidizing agent    
(c) Reducing agent    (d) All the three 

21. P2O5 is heated with water to get: 
(a) Hypophosphorous acid                      (b) Phosphorous acid 
(c) Hypophosphoric acid                         (d) Orthophosphoric acid 

22. Ozone is not: 
(a) An allotrope                                  (b) A powerful oxidizing agent 
(c) Paramagnetic species                      (d) A bent molecule 

23. Oleum is: 
(a) H2SO3  (b) H2SO4  (c) H2S2O7   (d) None 

24. SO3 is not directly dissolved in water to get Sulphuric acid because: 
(a) The reaction does not go to completion   (b) The reaction is quite slow 
(c) The reaction is highly exothermic          (d) SO3 is insoluble in water 

25. In group VA the most electronegative element is: 
(a) N  (b) P  (c) As   (d) Sb 

26. Cinnabar is: 
(a) HgS  (b) ZnS  (c) PbS   (d) FeS2 

27. The element whose inorganic minerals are not much abundant in earth crust:  
 (a) Li  (b) N  (c) Na   (d) O 

28. Gold dissolves in aqua regia to form:  
(a) AuCl3     (b) AuI3   
(c) AuI2      (d) Au2(SO4)3 

29. Arsenic oxides are removed during manufacture of H2SO4 by passing through: 
(a) Ferric hydroxide                        (b) Sodium hydroxide                          (c) Calcium hydroxide                        (d) Potassium hydroxide 

30. The compound N2O causes:                    
(a) Cancer                                 (b)  Sleeping sickness                         (c) Hysterical laughter                     (d)  Tumor 

31. H2SO4 has great affinity for wamter because:             
(a) it decomposes the acid                  (b)  it hydrolyses the acid                         (c) acid decomposes water                    (d)  acid forms hydrate with water  

32. Atomic number of Te is:                   
 (a) 52  (b) 60  (c) 65   (d) 80 

33. Nitric acid, Sulphuric acid and Caustic soda can be transported in a container made up of:                                     (a) Aluminum (b) Copper (c) Zinc (d) Teflon              

34. Which of the following elements does not show the phenomena of allotropy?       
 (a) As  (b) N  (c) Sb  (d) all of these 

35. The gas emitted when Zn reduces Conc. HNO3 is:                 
 (a)  N2O  (b)  NO  (c)  NO2   (d)  N2O5 

36. When sugar is treated with conc. H2SO4 the sugar becomes black due to:   
(a) Oxidation       (b)  Reduction  
(c)  Dehydration    (d)  Combustion 

37.  The catalyst used in manufacturing of H2SO4 by Contact process is:   
(a) V2O5  (b)  Fe2O3  (c)  Ni   (d)  Pt 
38.  The given element gives NO gas with dil HNO3:               
 (a)  Zn  (b)  Cu  (c)  Mg   (d)  Sn 

39. Which of the following statement is incorrect?                                        (a)  H2SO4 acts as a strong oxidizing agent   (b)  H2SO4 acts as a dehydrating agent 
(c)  H2SO4 acts as a strong reducing agent   (d)  H2SO4 acts as a sulphonating agent 

40. Bone ash contains:        
(a)  80% P              (b)  90% P   
(c)  80% Ca3(PO4)2      (d)  90% Ca3(PO4)2 

41. NO2 is called:        ( 
(a)  Nitrogen peroxide (b)  Nitrous oxide (c)  Nitric oxide      (d)  Nitric anhydride 
42. Which of the following metal reacts with HNO3:                
 (a)  Titanium         (b)  Iridium   
 (c)  Platinum         (d)  Magnesiu 

43. Ortho-phosphoric acid has melting point:               
 (a)  49 ͦC  (b)  45 ͦC  (c)  41 ͦC   (d)  50 ͦC 

44. Which of the following gas is evolved when copper reacts with dil. HmNO3?              
(a) N2O      (b) NO   
(c)  NO2     (d)  none o.f thcese o

45. Which of the following gives brown ring with FeSO4?     
 (a)  NO2  (b)  NO  (c)  N2O3   (d)  NO3  

46. Which metal is rendered passive by HNO3?      
 (a)  Pt  (b)  Co  (c)  Sn   (d)  Mn 

47. Which of the following shows phosphorescence? 
(a)  Yellow phosphorous                          (b)  white phosphorous 
(c)  black phosphorous                      (d)  red phosphorus
Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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