2nd year Chemistry chapter 6 MCQs ( Transition Elements )


1. Coordination number of Fe in [Fe(CN)6]-4 ion is:                
(a)  4  (b)  2  (c)  6   (d)  -4 

2. In [Co(NH3)6]+3 the coordination number of cobalt is: 
(a) Zero  (b) Two  (c) Four   (d) Six 

3. Which one of the following correctly explains the structure of [Cu(NH3)4]4+ 
(a) Square planar (b) Tetrahedral              (c) Octahedral    (d) Linear 

4. Which one of the following compounds has oxidation state of chromium other than +6: 
(a) K4CrO4  (b) K2Cr2O4                      (c) Cr2O6   (d) CrCl3 

5. In acidic medium, potassium dichromate acts as: 
(a) Oxidizing agent   (b) Reducing agent   (c) An Acid           (d) A base 

6. Interstitial compounds are formed by: m
(a) Fe  (b) Ni  (c) Co   (d) All 

7. Which element is always present with iron in steel: 
(a) Aluminium (b) Copper                   (c) Carbon    (d) Nickle 

8. Which of the following transition elements show highest oxidation state: 
(a) Mn  (b) Cr  (c) Cr   (d) Zn 

9. Following property of transition elements does not Vary with a regular pattern: 
(a) Binding energy   (b) Covalent radius    
(c) Melting point    (d) Cationic radius 

10. The coordination number of transition element in [Co(NO2)3(NH3)3] is:  
(a)  3  (b)  4  (c)  6   (d)  0 

11. Group IB of transition elements contains: 
(a) Zn, Cd,       (b) Cu, Au, Ag  
(c) Fe, Ru, Os    (d) Cr, Mo, w 

12. The strength of binding energy of transition elements depends upon:   
(a) Number of electron pairs.                 (b) Number of unpaired electrons 
(c) Number of Neutrons                      (d) Number of protons 

13. First transition series starts with: 
(a) Y  (b) Sc  (c) Zn   (d) Cd 

14. Group IIB of transition elements  contains 
(a) Zn, Cd, Hg    (b) Cu,Au, Ag  
(c) Fe, Ru, Os    (d) Cr, Mo, W 

15. The shape of ions containing dsp3 hybridization is : 
(a) Tetrahedral    (b) Trigonal bipyramidal  
(c) Octahedral     (d) Square planar 

16. Coordination number of iron in K3 [Fe(CN)6] is: 
(a) 6  (b) 4  (c) 1   (d) 2 

17. The paramagnetic behavior is the strongest for  
(a) Fe and Mn        (b) Fe3+ and Mn2+  
(c) Fe2+ and Mn3+    (d) Fe2+ and Mn2+ 

18. The ore of iron: 
(a) Fe3O4  (b) Fe2O2  (c) FeO   (d) Fe(OH)2 

19. The Chemical formula of Slag is: 
(a) MnSiO    (b) MnSiO2                     (c) MnSiO3   (d) Mn2SiO2 

20. Chromates are salts of: 
(a) HCrO3    (b) H2CrO4                     (c) HCr2O7   (d) H2CrO6 

21. The color of all the chromates is: 
(a) White  (b) Red  (c) Blue   (d) Yellow 

22. Which of the following can also be prepared by Stadeler’s process: 
(a) H2SO4  (b) K2SO4  (c) KMnO4   (d) H2S 

23. Medium carbon steel is used in making: 
(a) Castings    (b) Hammer  
(c) Tubes       (d) All of above 

24. Which of following is a very powerful oxidant : 
(a) Sulphates     (b) Dichromates  
(c)  Nitrates     (d) Chromates 

25. Which of the following transition metal ions will have definite value of magnetic 
(a) Sc3+  (b) Ti3+  (c) Cu+   (d) Zn2+ 

26. Which of the following metal exhibits more than one oxidation states: 
(a) Na  (b) Mg  (c) Fe   (d) Al 

27. The equilibrium is shifted to right in: m
(a) An acidic medium   (b) A basic medium 
(c) A neutral medium   (d) It does not exist 

28. Bessemer converter is used in the manufacture of: 
(a) Pig iron     (b) Steel    
(c) Wrought iron    (d) Cast iron 

29. The number of unpaired electrons in Ferrous ion (Z = 26) is 
(a) 1  (b) 2  (c) 4   (d) 5 

30. Corrosion of iron can be prevented by coating the surface with: 
(a) Zn     (b) Sn   
(c) Ni     (d) Any of the above 

31. Choose the correct answer about transition elements: 
(a) Transition elements have low melting points  
(b) Transition elements do notm have catalytic activity  
(c) Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states  
(d) Transition elements exhibit inert pair effect 

32. The total number of inner transition elements in the periodic table is: 
(a) 10  (b) 14  (c) 28   (d) 30 

33. The number of unp
alaired electrons in Mn2+(Z=25) is: 
(a) 5  (b) 4  (c) 3   (d) 2 

34. The number of unpaired electrons in Fe3+ (Z = 26) are 
(a) 5  (b) 6  (c) 3   (d) 4 

35. In the manufacture of steel by open hearth process, the slag obtained is:  
(a) CaSiO3  (b) FeSiO3  (c) MnSiO3   (d) All 

36. Which of the following is not an element: 
(a) Graphite         (b) Diamond  
(c) 22-Carat gold    (d) Rhombic sulphur 

37. How many moles of acidified FeSO4 solution can be completely oxidized by one mole of KMnO4: 
(a) 10  (b) 5  (c) 6   (d) 2 

38. An element in +3 oxidation state has the electronic configuration (Ar) 3d3. Its atomic number is: 
(a) 24  (b) 23  (c) 22   (d) 21 

39. Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired d-electrons? 
(a) Zn  (b) Fe2+  (c) Ni3+   (d) Cu+ 
40. Group VI B of transition elements contains: 
(a) Zn,Cd,Hg     (b) Fe, Fu, Os  
(c) Cr, Mo, W    (d) Mn, Te, Re 

41. Formula of chromyl chloride is:       
(a) Cr2OCl2 (b) CrO2Cl2.                    (c) Cr2OCl3 (d) CrOCl2 

42. The geometrical shape of PCl5 is:                   
(a) Octahedral     (b)  Square planar  
(c) Tetrahedral    (d)  Trigonal bipyramidal 

43. Coinage metals are present in the periodic table in group:               
 (a)  I-A  (b)  I-B  (c)  II-A   (d)  II-B 

44. PCl5 has hybridization:                               
 (a) sp  (b) dsp2  (c) spd2   (d) dsp3 

45. The chemical formula of hematite is:    
(a) Fe2O3     (b) Fe3O4   
(c) FeO       (d) Fe2O3.3H2O 

46. There are ____ types of ligands in [PtCl(NO2)(NH3)4]-2                         (a) 2  (b) 3  (c) 6   (d) 7 

47. Which of the following elements is paramagnetic:                             (a) Zinc (b) Iron (c) Scandium  (d) Copper 

48. The purest form of iron is:                (a)  Wrought iron (b)  Pig iron                  (c)  Cast iron  (d)  Steel 

49. The central metal atom along with ligand is called:    
(a) Coordination number.              (b)Coordination sphere 
(c)  Chelates                               (d)  none of these 

50. Mild steel contains carbon:                                                  (a)  0.1 to 0.2%    (b)  0.2 to 0.7%  
(c)  0.2 to 0.6%    (d)  0.1 to 0.6% 

51. Percentage of carbon in steel is:                  
(a)  0.25 to 2.5%    (b)  0.12 to 0.20%  
(c)  3.0 to 4.5%     (d)  2.0 to 4.5% 

52. Which of the following species has the maximum number of unpaired electrons? 
(a) O2      (b)  O2 .                           (c)  O -    (d)  O -2  

53. Which of the following species has the maximum number of unpaired electrons? 

(a) Fe  (b)  Fe+2  (c)  Mn+2   (d)  Cr+3 

54. Coordination number of Cu in [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 is:     
 (a)  Zero  (b)  Two  (c)  Four   (d)  Six 

Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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