2nd year Chemistry chapter 5 MCQs ( THE HALOGENS AND THE NOBLE GASES )


1. Halogen acid in gaseous state found as equilibrium mixture of monomers and hexamers 
(a) HF  (b) HCl  (c) HBr   (d) HI 

2. Color of which halogen is not correctly related: 
(a) F2 Colorless gas .                        (b) Cl2 greenish yellow gas 
(c) Br2 Reddish brown liquid                      (d) I2 grayish black solid 

3. Mark the element, which can displace three halogens from their compounds: 
(a) F2  (b) Cl2  (c) Br2   (d) I2 

4. The chemical formula of iodic acid is: 
(a) HI  (b) HIO  (c) HIO2   m(d) HIO3 

5. The most inert element in noble gas group is: 
(a) He  (b) Ne  (c) Ar   (d) Kr 

6. In which compound, the oxidation state of xenon is not +6
(a) XeOF2  (b) XeOF4  (c) XeO3   (d) XeF6 

7. Radon is formed by the removal of alpha particles from: 
(a) Radium     (b) Rhenium  
(c) Rhodium    (d) Rutherfordium 

8. Which of the following gases is used in radio therapy for cancer treatment and 
earthquake predictions? 
(a) Ar  (b) Ne  (c) Xe   (d) Rn 

9. Chlorine heptaoxide (Cl2O7) reacts with water to form:  
(a) hypochlorous acid                           (b) perchloric acid  
(c) chloric acid                                (d) chlorine and oxygen 

10. The anhydride of HClO4 is: 
(a) Cl2O7  (b) Cl2o4 (c) ClO3   (d) ClO2 

11. Silver bromide is used in:       
(a) Paints    (b) Photography.                 (c) Ceramics  (d)Gasoline 

12. Which of the following acid is used for etching of glass: 
(a) HF  (b) HCl  (c) HBr   (d) HI 

13. Oxidation state of chlorine in HClO4 is: 
(a) -7  (b) +7  (c) -1   (d) +1 

14. Which is used for making unshrinkable wool: 
(a) HBr  (b) I2 (c) Bleaching powder (d) HCI 

15. _________ is used for earthquake prediction 
(a) Rn  (b) Kr  (c) Xe   (d) Ar 

16. Which of the following compound is Carnallite: 
(a) KCl. Mg (OH)2. 6H2O.                    (b) KOH. MgCl2 6H2O 
(c) KOH. Mg(OH)2 . 6H2O                         (d) KCl. MgCl2 .6H2O 

17. Chlorine dioxide is a: 
(a) Red gas       (b) Pale yellow gas  
(c) Orange gas    (d) Green gas 

18. Iodine pentoxide acts as a : 
(a) Reducing Agent      (b) Oxidizing Agent    
(c) Dehydrating Agent   (d) None of these 

19. The Chemical formula of Perchloric acid is : 
(a) HClO  (b) HClO3  (c) HClO4   (d) HClO2 

20. The oxidation states of Xe in its compounds range from: 
(a) +2 to +8     (b) +3 to +5  
(c) +11 to +8    (d) +3 to +7 

21. The compounds of Xe are: 
(a) Saturated    (b) Unsaturated  
(c) Stable       (d) Unstable 

22. Which of the following is used to fill fluorescent tubes: 
(a) Krypton  (b) Argon  (c) Xenon   (d) Neon 

23. Which is the strongest acid: 
(a) HI  (b) HCl  (c) HBr   (d) HF 

24. Which of the following halogens does not form oxyacids: 
(a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine .                   (c) Bromine  (d) Iodine 

25. Which amongst the following is the smallest atom? 
(a) F  (b) Cl  (c) Br   (d) I 

26. Fluorine does not have positive oxidation states due to the absence of 
(a) d-orbital  (b) s-orbital .                                   (c) p-orbital  (d) None 

27. Which of the following has greatest reducing power: 
(a) HI  (b) HBr  (c) HCl   m(d) HI 

28. Which of the following elements show only one oxidation state in its compounds: 
(a) F  (b) Cl  (c) Br  (d) I 
29. Which halogen is most electropositive: 
(a) F  (b) Cl  (c) Br   (d) I 

30. Fluorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine in aqueous solution. This is 
attributed to many factors except: 
(a) Heat of dissociation.                      (b) Electron affinity 
(c) Ionization potential                     (d) Heat of hydration 

31. Bleaching powder reacts with a few drops of conc. HCl to give: 
(a) Chlorine      (b) Hypochlorous acid                  (c) Calcium oxide (d) Oxygen 

32. The bleaching action of chlorine is due to: 
(a) Reduction    (b) Hydrogenation  
(c) Chlorination  (d) Oxidation 

33. Elements of which of the following groups will form anions most readily: 
(a) Oxygen family    (b) Nitrogen family  
(c) Halogens         (d) Alkali metals 

34. The halogen that is most easily reduced: 
(a) F2  (b) Cl2  (c) Br2   (d) I2 

35. Which of the following is most volatile: 
(a) HI  (b) HBr  (c) HCl   (d) HF 

36. Sodium chloride when heated with conc. H2SO4 and solid potassium dichromate gives: 
(a) Chromic chloride    (b) Chromyl chloride 
(c) Chromous chloride   (d) None of these 

37. Which of the following is monoatomic gas: 
(a) Oxygen      (b) Neon   
(c) Fluorine    (d) Nitrogen 

38. Which of the following fluorides of xenon is impossible? 
(a) XeF2  (b) XeF3  (c) XeF4   (d) XeF6 

39. The following shows zero oxidation state: 
(a) Kr  (b) Be  (c) Al   (d) Na 

40. Which of the following noble gas is not present in atmosphere: 
(a) He  (b) Ne  (c) Ar   (d) Rn 

41. The noble gas which was discovered first on the Sun and then on the earth: 
(a) Argon  (b) Xenon  (c) Neon   (d) Helium 
42. The last member of the family of inert gases is: 
(a) Argon  (b) Radon  (c) Xenon   (d) Neon 

43. XeF6 on partial hydrolysis produces: 
(a) XeF2  (b) XeOF2  (c) XeOF4   (d) XeO3 

44. Which of the following noble gases does not have an octet of electrons in its outermost 
(a) Neon  (b) Radon  (c) Argon   (d) Helium 

45. The value of ionization potential for inert gases is: 
(a) Zero  (b) Low  (c) High  (d) Negative 

46. The lowest boiling point of helium is due to: 
(a) Inertness                              
(b)  Gaseous nature 
(c) High polarizability                     
(d)  Weak Van-der Waal’s forces between   atoms 
47. Which of the following statement is correct?     
(a)  Bond energy of F2 is less than Cl2     (b)  Bond energy of F2 is less than I2           (c)  Bond energy of Cl2 is less than F2    (d)  Bond energy of Cl2 is less than Br2 

48. Goiter is caused due to the deficiency of: 
(a) Flourine  (b) Bromine                   (c) Chlorine  (d) Iodine 

49. Which hydrogen halide is the weakest acid in solution? 
(a) HF  (b)  HBr  (c)  HI   (d)  HCl 

50. The compound which causes burn to skin that heels slowly:   
 (a) F2   (b) Cl2  (c) Br2    (d) Acid  
Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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