1. Most common reactions of benzene and its derivatives are: 

(a) Electrophilic addition reactions 

(b) Electrophilic substitution reactions

 (c) Nucleophilic addition reactions 

(d) Nucleophilic substitution reactions 2.Benzene + Ozone —If, in this sequence Y is: (a) Benzene monozonide 

(b) Benzene diozonide 

(c) Benzene triozonide 

(d) Succinic acid 

3. Which species represents the electrophile in aromatic Nitration: 

(a) NO2 (b) NO2+ (c) NO (d) NO3

 4. Heating a mixture of Sodium benzoate and soda lime gives:

 (a) Benzene (b) Methane

 (c) Sodium benzoate (d) Calcium benzoate

 5. Which of the following species participate in Sulphonation of benzene ring: 

(a) S03-2 (b) S203-2 (c) S03 (d) SO2

 6. The compound prepared by electrophilic substitution reaction of benzene is:

 (a) Acetophenone (b) Glyoxal

 (c) Cyclohexane (d) Hexabromo cyclohexane

 7. The term `Aromatic' was derived from: 

(a) Greek word (b) Latin (c) Russian 

(d) English

 8. Which compound was recognized as the parent member of aromatic compounds:

 (a) Toluene 

(b) Aniline (c) Phenol (d) Benzene

 9. Which one of the following is not monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon:

 (a) Benzaldehyde (b) Benzoic acid

 (c) Benzene sulphonic acid (d) Anthracene 

10. In which one of the following compound rings are not fused together at ortho positions:

 (a) Phenanthrene (b) Naphthalene (c) Diphenyemethane (d) Anthracene 

11. Toluene is called:

 (a) Hydroxyl benzene (b) Methyl benzene

 (c) Ethyl benzene (d) None 

12. Substituted phenyl groups are called:

 (a) Aryl groups (b) Phenyl groups

 (c) Acyl groups (d) Alkyl groups 

13. Benzene was discovered by Michael Faraday's in: 

(a) 1824 (b) 1825 (c) 1826 (d) 1827

 14. The empirical formula of Benzene was determined by: 

(a) IR spectra (b) U.V 

(c) Elemental analysis (d) NMR spectra 

15. How many molecules of chlorine add to benzene in the presence of sunlight: 

(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) None

16. The bond angles in benzene ring are: 

(a) 90° (b) 120° (c) 145° (d) None

 17. All C-H bond lengths of benzene ring is: (a) 1.07A° (b) 1.09A° (c) 1.08A° (d) None

18. A six membered ring containing one double bond is called:

 (a) Cyclohexene (b) Cyclohexane

 (c) Benzene (d)None 

 19. Hybridization of each carbon atom in benzene ring is: 

(a) sp (b) sp2 (c) sp3 (d)dsp2 


Mureed Abbas

My name is Mureed Abbas . Currently i am studying and my field is Engineering.

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